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National Security Presidential Directive51= no elections

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posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 05:05 PM
Basically all the government needs to do is create another 9/11 (as so many think they did for the first one) or for something on that scale to happen and the President can call on these powers, which give Homeland Security an inordinate amount of authority.

It doesn't say in any words whatsoever that he can cancel the elections, or that they can declare martial law, but it does give them the authority to decide what needs to be done in the name of continuity of the government.

You can look at that and say, yeah, they still need to be fair and stick to the ideals the country was set up on. But you can look at that and say, damn, while this is directive is in effect one branch of our government is more powerful than the other 2. Once one branch of government isn't being checked, it could, in theory (conspiracy?) start grabbing for more power by, for example: cancelling the elections due to general disorder in the country, and extend the president's term indefinitely; until the crisis is over. And as long as we're there, might as well do away with elections all together some time down the road, and dissolve congress. Is it likely to happen? No, but I think that's what the worry is.

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by Sovereign797

You've got it.

The worry is not what the language says, it is what it doesn't

edited to clarify and to not be a one-liner.

[edit on 18/4/08 by enigma77]

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 09:23 PM
Once again, we will have an election and we will have another Superbowl that the Vikings aren't in.
Please...Please...stop getting all of your information from people that are providing it for pecuniary gains. You have to dig so much deeper and you have to understand history.
Do you think the Congress isn't full of egotistical hacks? They aren't going to go quietly into the sweet night. (this is just the worst case scenerio thinking)
Be informed, be kind to others, and be good to your family....stop worrying about this crazy doomsday stuff. It is seriously a waste of time.
If you know more than me, then tell me what you do for a living.

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by Res Ipsa

haha, and yet people still wanna voice their opinions, even those that want other people to stop posting this type of stuff.... noone can tell the future, but then again, noone cannot tell the future.. it's a paradox and the human race is very worrisome as well as extremely curious, even if it's just to find out what others think about it. But yet, we'll always have people to tell us to stop doing something cause it bores them or that cause it's not true to them, but might be to others....

EDIT: I'm on an EDIT roll tonight... sheesh

[edit on 18-4-2008 by WalkOn]

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by burdman30ott6
Would anyone who's in the "OMG, he'll cancel the elections!" crowd please direct me to exactly where in this linked document it ever even aludes to cancelation of elections or anything else that's being tossed around in this thread via fear mongering? I see a document with a bunch of redundant laws that already exist in other resolutions and bills and are combined herein alongside a clear directive to "defend the US Constitution and continuity of the nation's democracy" in the event of a calamity or attack. Why is this not considered a good thing?

If you're not clear on this, let me help you. It does not cancel elections, in and of itself. It is merely additional leverage for when the time comes. The "Patriot" Act saw to most of the leverage, but their biding their time, sending many squads out to "search out crime and terrorists" ( ) to inculcate us into accepting Gestapo behavior by our police, getting us good and ripe.

They know the time line, and the better we have been kneaded, roughed up into a degree of compliance when the time comes, the slicker it will go for them.

Are you really so loyal to the picture they gave you that you will not see the truth written on the back?

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 01:14 AM
reply to post by Amaterasu

It isn't a matter of being loyal to any picture here. It is a matter of believing that if there really is a movement towards this hostile takeover of America by the PTB (and to be clear, I'm still not sold that there is, I'm hypothetically saying if such a plot exists) it isn't merely the current administration that's in on it. If this plot is out there and being enacted, then it really won't matter who's in the White House because something this huge and this encompassing would mean that the Congress and Senate are in on it as well. That means Clinton, McCain, and Obama are all privy to what's happening and in on it as well. I actually think that a move like canceling the elections for any reason would probably be counterproductive to the concept of slowly kneading us into compliance.

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by burdman30ott6
reply to post by Amaterasu

It isn't a matter of being loyal to any picture here. It is a matter of believing that if there really is a movement towards this hostile takeover of America by the PTB (and to be clear, I'm still not sold that there is, I'm hypothetically saying if such a plot exists) it isn't merely the current administration that's in on it. If this plot is out there and being enacted, then it really won't matter who's in the White House because something this huge and this encompassing would mean that the Congress and Senate are in on it as well. That means Clinton, McCain, and Obama are all privy to what's happening and in on it as well. I actually think that a move like canceling the elections for any reason would probably be counterproductive to the concept of slowly kneading us into compliance.

Yes, you're correct that the office of Pres and who holds it is irrelevant to the true power, but individuals have agendas, too, and I think Bush/Cheney want to be the power wielders in the coming police state and are champing at the bit to get the party started.

I am sure McCain and Clinton have a clue; Obama probably does too, to an extent, but I suspect he lacks the whole story.

If we have a pandemic in the coming months, or if we get hit with major earthquakes and severe weather, be ready to respond to martial law.

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 10:22 PM
As this post is about to expire, I wanted to thank you folks/patriots for all your inputs (pro and con).I read them all ; and all have legitimate arguements. It's the cards that are delt , are the ones that have to be played.Prior to admiral Fallon's resignation he stated " If an Iranian attack is in the horizon , it would not be under his "watch". Senior officers whithin his comand have vowed to retire on the spot; if such a scenario takes place.The media has been laying out a road of justifying an attack on Iran.Be prepared, for this might happen soon.

[edit on 20-4-2008 by L.HAMILTON]

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[edit on 20-4-2008 by L.HAMILTON]

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