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911 Connections - IpowerWeb, Hezbollah, Letsroll911,Popular Mechanics, and Loose change?

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posted on Apr, 10 2008 @ 11:47 PM
Are some conspiracy sites run by the government as a straw man tactic to discredit the truth movement?

You decide.

Most Hezbollah sites hosted in U.S.
Companies provide domains, space for Lebanese terror group

.......Most Hezbollah websites are also hosted by American companies. Hosting companies provide space on webservers for the actual site content. Alabanza, Inc. in Baltimore hosts three Hezbollah sites, including the Hezbollah news site iPowerWeb, Inc. of Santa Monica, California, hosts,,

I would like to focus on IPOWERWEB.

Domain ID
Domain Name:LETSROLL911.ORG
Created On:23-Feb-2004 18:30:50 UTC
Last Updated On:21-Feb-2005 19:20:55 UTC
Expiration Date:23-Feb-2006 18:30:50 UTC
Sponsoring Registrar:Tucows Inc. (R11-LROR)
Registrant ID:tung3O0qWwl2H3Cp
Registrant Name
hil Jayhan
Registrant Email:[email protected]
Phil-Marcus Jayhan-Jump aka Phil_Jayhan, a new collapse specialist, opened a website at It focuses mainly on the second WTC-plane, Flight 175

For those of you not familiar with letsroll911, they are the website that started the whole windowless, missile pod firing, hologram, laser guided flight 175 , No plane at the Pentagon, and the Shoot down of flight 93 my Col. Gibny (sic).

Corey rowe and Jason Bermas had their starts at Letsroll911 and Loose Change first edition was partly funded by Jayhan. THe film contained a large section on the missile pod hoax which has been debunked and removed from later editions.
PLEASE SEE Pod People hijack the 9/11 truth movement

In Late 2004, a large concetrated effort came forth from this site promoting the most insane un corroberated theories in the name of 9/11 truth. Many people proved them false only to find themselves banned.
Even then they were being called disinfo artists.

As you can see the topics pushed in late 2004 on letsroll ends up being the main theories debunked in March 2005 by Popular Mechanics."

What is most interesting is that popular science features letsroll911 as the leading source for 911 truth. Obviously Popular Mechanics debunks all those wild claims such as truthers did before getting banned from the site while making the truth movement look like a bunch of cooks with zero credibility.

As you can see in this next screen grab that Popular Mechanics' Debunking 911 myths is really "Debunking Strawman theories" or debunking Letsroll911.

Step 1: Build the Straw Man
Step 2: Knock down the Straw Man by any means necessary
Step 3: Connect the original position to the Straw Man

So in conclusion it seems that mabey certain conspiracy websites are actually operated by the 911 perps for the use of obsefucating the truth, muddying the waters of truth, misleading people and setting up Straw man theories in the name of 911 truthers so than can easily debunk the wild and baseless theories surrounding 911.

Bush said it best when he said

We must speak the truth about terror. Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th, malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists themselves, away from the guilty."

-- GW Bush speaking before the UN General Assembly 11/10/2001

[edit on 11-4-2008 by IvanZana]

[edit on 11-4-2008 by IvanZana]

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 02:53 AM
Very good thread, thought-provoking and well presented as always.
To answer your first question, 'government' perhaps being too specific, but yes. I fear it's even multi-layered w/stupid frauds made more plausible by even stupider ones in a hopelessly muddled hall of mirrors thing that makes me weary to call myself a "Truther" at all.
Just popping in, but I can add this link to a little research piece of my own that ties in a bit w/Jayhan/Letsroll911madesimple and iPowerweb:
letsroll911's 911 inside job?
And a bit on the idiocy of the site in general
letsroll's role

So what does their also hosting Hezbollah's site have to do with possible disinfo work? Or is that what you're wondering too? or just a good lead-in?

posted on Apr, 11 2008 @ 05:06 PM
Thank you for your contributions.

I forgot to add that before letsroll911 was The webfairy which specualized and started the "Whatzits" of 911, such as Holograms, Missiles, Pods, Holograms, Mininukes, Space weapons, and their new tactic, TV fakery.

The next rheatoric to hit the Flight 93 scene will be a new wave of disinformation about "Flight 93 shot down"

Letsroll911 started the Major Rick shot down flight 93.

Its a matter of time before we start hearing more of this disinfo.
Srawman theory.

posted on Apr, 12 2008 @ 11:28 PM
What i am saying is that the disinformation and bad theories pertaining to 911 seems to have been sourced fromFEMA and or some other government entity.

I met a man you worked as a headhunter. hiring kids to work in forums to do such a thing.

[edit on 12-4-2008 by IvanZana]

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 10:04 AM
The next disinformtion to hit the forums will be a rehash of the Flight 93 shot down joke started by

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 12:45 PM
I was right.

THe bs Major rick gibny story has resurfaced.

This b.s theory was started by elements of the government any time anyone questioned the lack of a Beoing 757 in the shanksville crater.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 06:35 PM
How do we know most all theories were not started in the same way?

"Even then they were being called disinfo artists."

How ironic, that is what many do here if you do not believe in their "theory."

"The next rheatoric to hit the Flight 93 scene will be a new wave of disinformation about "Flight 93 shot down"

Ivan, all sarcasm aside, I would appreciate your input with this point. This was the one thing I believed in and did not consider rhetoric. Can you explain why you think this could not be possible? I don't see how people can believe that 9/11, such an elaborate conspiracy was carried out by the dumbest administration in history but rule the possibility of the Air Force shooting down a plane heading to the capital.

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 01:44 AM
"Pod People" try to hijack the 9/11 truth movement


So as you can see there is proof that some agency actually started these bad theories so they can be featured in the Popular Science article.

Loose Change is a bi product of letsroll911. So Loose Change could very well be a strawman piece ment to take the attention away from the real perps while keeping you all confused in crazy theories.

But in all fairness, there is much information in LC. LC 1 was all about Pods, and other 'Whatzits'

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 01:53 AM
I think that we would be very foolish to not consider the role that disinformation has played since 9-11. In fact I think that's where the real evidence is, the things that are being marginalized and written off as impossible or unfounded.

The truth is out there, and we keep getting more layers of it. Thanks for this post and all your work lately with the 9-11 stuff.

Every day we get closer to a truth. Inshallah one day it will be clear to us.

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 06:50 PM
The fact that there is 2 "Flight 93 shot down" threads running back to back is s alittle suspicious at best.

911 cover up? Strawman tactics?

posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by IvanZana
"Pod People" try to hijack the 9/11 truth movement


So as you can see there is proof that some agency actually started these bad theories so they can be featured in the Popular Science article.

Loose Change is a bi product of letsroll911. So Loose Change could very well be a strawman piece ment to take the attention away from the real perps while keeping you all confused in crazy theories.

But in all fairness, there is much information in LC. LC 1 was all about
Pods, and other 'Whatzits'

Thanks, I will read that link when I get back home. Pods and holograms and what not are much different though then the Air Force shooting down a plane heading towards the white house.

What about the Rumsfield vid. on You-Tube where he says they shot down a plane? Is it fake in your opinion? I believe many of them are but I do not know how to verify that or not.

posted on Apr, 21 2008 @ 05:11 PM
[ PLEASE SEE Pod People hijack the 9/11 truth movement

As you can see the topics pushed in late 2004 on letsroll ends up being the main theories debunked in March 2005 by Popular Mechanics."

What is most interesting is that popular science features letsroll911 as the leading source for 911 truth. Obviously Popular Mechanics debunks all those wild claims such as truthers did before getting banned from the site while making the truth movement look like a bunch of cooks with zero credibility.

Step 1: Build the Straw Man
Step 2: Knock down the Straw Man by any means necessary
Step 3: Connect the original position to the Straw Man

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