posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 06:08 AM
If you don't want it, my friend wants one, give it to me so I can give it to here. Then her and I could link them up and play games together.
I love my PS3, it is better than my 360, and my PC is a few years old, so not much for games these days.
Search for Yellow Dog Linux (latest free release out - YDL 6.0). Some use ubuntu or fedora, but YDL is made for PS3, utilizes the processor, and I
heard future PS3s may come with it (it originally was going to, but I have a feeling it wasn't far enough along in functionality).
The best advice is read the forums you find that are YDL on PS3 specific, read the TerraSoft FAQs and details/requirements.
I can tell you, if you don't have a USB mouse and keyboard and don't want to buy one ($10-15 at wal-mart) then don't bother, it is required. If
you don't have a big enough flash/external drive to back up your data, and you didn't set aside a partition, then you will lose all your data when
it reformats to give the OtherOS 10 GB. You can install it in text mode, but it suggest you have at least a 720p screen to use and for graphical
There is Gnash as a Flash workaround, not sure if YDL 6 has a Java workaround, and haven't tried Gnash on YDL, since I have a PC, and haven't used
YDL much past the first couple days after install on my PS3.
So, depending on how easy you want things ... you might be better off browsing from the browser until you can save up for a cheap PC. You can get
nice ones for not too much, especially if you are willing to accept a refurbished unit. Bottom level PCs are quite decent now. I don't have my PS3
near me right now, but wasn't there a setting to turn on and off Flash? I know there is something like that, because I was trying to explain
distributed computing and folding@home, and had to turn it on to allow the video to play.
I am not sure why you are not proud to own a PS3. What gives you a negative attitude towards it? Look, if you had a 360, you couldn't browse the
internet right now. There are good games, have you downloaded any of the demos? I have tried just about every one, and I liked quite a few. I
suggest giving every one at least a shot. Heavenly Sword had great voice acting and facial expressions, and the game play wasn't bad. Oblivion,
some people have multiple characters with more than a 1000 hours each. More games are coming soon. I am not the gamer I used to be, but I just had
to defend it. It also isn't 'too expensive'. An Iphone is more expensive. I have an 80 GB and I paid as much for it as I did my 20 GB 360, has
better backwards compatibility, runs smoother and is not as loud.