posted on Dec, 9 2009 @ 07:22 PM
reading over all your views not one of you know of them, which i am not surprised. if you travel to the lands of Mesopotamia go out into the dessert
and find a cave, inside the cave precisely at mid-night on the walls of the cave you will see small harmless white spider, eat whole 3 of them. you
will get dizzy and pass out, but when you awake you will have acquired the 2nd sight which you will be able to see creatures and demons of lore.
what i find funny about mankind is that if they can not see it or touch it then it does not exist, yet they have faith in all of their religions and
believe that their faith is fact when in reality there is more proof of big foot and aliens then there is of Jesus Christ. there is not one but 2
"The White Order Cult" and "The Cult Of The Black Order" i cant say much but if weren't for the "White Order" your lives would be a living
HELL!! that is all.