posted on Apr, 8 2008 @ 04:37 PM
How can we classify something that is timeless?
For instance if all time is simultaneous then only in the direct moment would the civilisation exist. And if the moment is the direct route to
information then all information in the past, present, future is based on this.
Also if we can gauge a civilisations age, how do we do it, we are placing numbers here that OnlyThose existant in that moment would know.
How can you gauge the age of one civilisation through all, it would have to be catalogued through the ages up to this date. And if pieces are lost
that were existant how meticulous is the account of information pertaining to the results. One element could throw a civilsation out of existance.
Who chooses these attentions to detail based on a system that only catagorizes its results on what is known throughout, if the mind is the gateway to
other worlds then why do we deny the spirit growth.
My theory, your theory or anybodies theory is just as valid until we place it into the Earths Mind then we have just created a fact based on
Why are our limitations in science limiting our view of reality, (the true) that is.
I would say our calculations of many civilisations need to be addressed.
Reasons why:
1. We cannot gauge a civilisations actions with our own system.
2.Results based on conclusions based in a world map view doesn't apply.
3.Change is the result of Growth.
4.Rules and laws apply differently in a different (timeframe)= mind/frame
5.Characteristics based on our own society through devolopment doesn't mean it is correct to apply it Universally.
6.Many civilisations overlapped each other, but the degree of age cannot be gauged through a technological means. Having technology doesn't make a
civilisation older then the other or more advanced.
7.My number is just as good as any other is because we don't have solid proof we have valued theories, that is it, no proof of the existance of any
civilisation we choose to interprete.
8.Those civilisations in time could be nothing more then a fairy tale made up by man to suit his ego.
9.Civilisations are only a moment existing in the eternal mind.
10.The cause of any civilisation could be the root of demise.
This is what I get.
How old is the aborignal civilisation?
Answer:Three million years old.
Look at our own civilisation, which varies do to continents and countries and languages.
There are many different cultures based on different beliefs, cultures, ethnicities.
If our civilisation were wiped today. And let's say down the road, only one state lived and could tell about it what would they say and why?
They would have to talk about only what comes to mind if they have never visited outside that state. They could try and configure some type of map
replicating the world. But how accurate would it be. You only have a X number of people in the state. But now you finish you realise there are parts
missing or not in the right places. Also there seems to be some differences of opinions reguarding the where abouts of certain continents.
And a lot of what is missing comes from the lost in translation.
And let's say that we don't know the cause of devastation other then when you awoke nothing seemed the same but challenges is the only thing you see
ahead. Where do you go? what do you do? do you do anything?
Really are our Sciences, Anthropology, Archeology, physics, mechanics, mathematics, geneology, forensics, medical and Astronomy enough to tell the
tale of a lost civilisation.
You be the judge.
What if you came to a civilisation that was not suppose to exist and does before the time frame you can even interprete the existance of the
For instance when the Native Americans saw the Mayflower sailing in did they actually see it, or did it not appear to them because it was not in their
frame of mind. Would they not categorize it because they have no fields of reference to pull from other then imagination and there dreams. Or would
they try to make it valid through some time of field theory where they had a vision. Would the mind dismiss it as just rediculous or abnormal and hide
it in the subconscious.
Would a person from another time frame have the same appearance then what we would think they would have to be.
Could you pick out a wise man out of a crowd of three million.
What happens when Time is Erased and the Seasons, months, and years are no longer congruent with the whole three dimensional reality based on old
thought patterns?
Encarta Dictionary
time (noun)
1.system of distinguishing events
a dimension that enables two identical events occuring at the same point in space to be distinguished, measured by the interval between the events.
2. period with limits
a limited period during which an action, process, or condition exists or takes place
.elapsed time
3.method of measuring intervals
a system for measuring intervals of time
.sidereal time
.Central Daylight Time
4.minute of hour
the minute , hour, or similar measurement as indicated by a clock
what time is it?
5.time is a causative force
time concieved as a force capable of acting on people and objects
6.moment something occurs
7.suitable moment
8unallocated period
a period that is not allocated for a specific purpose.
9.period needed
a period required, allocated, or taken to complete an activity
10. period with particular quality
a period, activity, or occasion that has a particular quality or characteristic.
11.appointed moment
a designated or customary moment or period at which something is done or takes place.
12.closing time
a limited but unspecified period
14.historical period
a period in history, often characterized by a particular event or person
15.the here and now
the present as distinguished from the past and future
16.geologic division
Geology a chronological division of geologic history
17.anticipated moment
a moment in which an important event such as a birth or death is expected to happen
18.somebody's lifetime
a period during which somebody is alive, especially the most active or productive period in somebody's life
19. appreticeship period
a period during which somebody is an apprentice
20. prison term
serve time
21.military service
Military a term of military service
a period during which the climatic conditions prevail.
a seperate occasion of a recurring event
24. tempo of music
MUSIC the relative speed at which a musical composition is played beat
MUSIC the number of beats per measure of a musical composition
26. period worked
the period during a day or week that somebody works rate
a rate of pay
28.playing period
SPORTS a period of play in a game
29.Same as timeout (noun) (sense 1)
There's more you get the point.
With the very definition that make's up our society is it enough to make the event Realistic. These definitions are based on time. So what happens
when that civilisation colapses?
What happens when there aren't words or definitions to describe the living Civilisations in the right (mindframe category).
What happens when your Sciences fail to grasp the new reality you live in?
How old are you if you can't make heads or tales of yourself let alone a civilisation?
And with time dismissed are you even in a category of the known?
How can you know you aren't exactly where you left off, from the age of innocence?
How high does my light go?
Am I even ALIVE?
There is a fog all around me and all I know is a feeling.
[edit on 8-4-2008 by menguard]