posted on Apr, 7 2008 @ 02:24 PM
Originally posted by orby1976
Hi folks, im wanting to catalogue all the ATS users single most convincing ufo evidence they have heard of, or witnessed.
Convincing of what, exactly?
Here's my stock answer. There are tens of thousands of people who have reported seeing odd things in the sky. Using Occam's Razor, it's very
unlikely that every single one of them is either wrong about what they saw or lying. So the sheer volume of reports is convincing evidence that
something is going on.
What that something is, however, remains to be seen. I haven't seen or heard anything to convince me that they are anything specific. Nothing that
says they're absolutely for sure alien creatures from other planets. Or time travelers. Or whatever.
In fact, the curious lack of convincing evidence in spite of all the sightings tends to make me think that these things are not simply aliens flying
nuts and bolts spacecraft. So that makes me lean toward other explanations, such as time travelers, or possibly something so weird we can't quite
really understand it, having to do with the limited way we perceive time and space.
In the final analysis, though, I don't know what's going on. Some people think they do. Not me.