posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 09:09 AM
Simple yet most likely will be considered a stupid question but is Ron Paul still in the race?
Is it still just a major conspiracy that he's never mentioned in the MSM or is he no longer in it?
I recall a while back reading about him taking a break to return home to hold onto his seat or something.
I just don't get American politics its all just so damn confusing
Iv read up on the caucus and delegates and super delegates but i still just can't seem to get a grasp on it. It sounds like a SuperHero movie and I
swear it didn't go on this long last time it seems like your elections just drag on forever
if you haven't yet noticed i ain't a political genius honestly iv never voted in my life where i come from (Australia) it just seems a whole lot
simpler anyway simplistic replys would be greatly appreciated