posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 01:44 PM
Whats the ISS? Do satellites move that fast? I have no idea what altitude it was at,it must have been high because I couldnt see any detail, wheras
the plane near it was obviously a plane (you could see the shape,the undercarriage lights and fumes flowing behind it) What Im saying is that if this
thing was at a higher altitude it was still bigger than the size of the plane which I could clearly make out, the noise I heard just sounded like a
As for being a meteorite,dont they glow red as they enter the atmosphere?And have tails like comets and shooting stars? Also the shooting stars and
comets Ive seen havent moved as steadily,this thing had controlled movements,it was going accross,not downwards as comets and other stuff usually do
as they enter earth.
My mum is the biggest sceptic I'll ever know,shes very much down to earth and level headed,but even she couldnt find a possible explantion, and later
said she had seen similar things before but not thought anything of it.
Who knows,maybe it was just a natural phenomenon, or some kind of aircraft,I just thought it was cool because it was unlike anything ive ever seen