posted on Apr, 5 2008 @ 05:03 PM
Why can't we as a PEOPLE, both in the US and UK rise up against those who are our elected ( legal or otherwise ) corrupt Leaders who are supposed
to look after and protect OUR interests. It seems to me that their only concerns are their own perks and allowances, allowing them to ride off
into the Sunset with impunity and gold plated pensions, at least in the UK.
Just one example from the UK
I am not a Commy, nor have I ever been a member of their Party, BUT, when are we going to DEMAND of our Leaders that the fruits of our labours are
finally distributed equally among the people who generated this wealth ? That to me would be a real ' NEW WORLD ORDER ' and dare I say, a better
one for us all than the one planned by the POWERS THAT BE
My 2 c