posted on Feb, 24 2004 @ 01:22 PM
Just wanted to say hello, i am new & probably will not post too much. I am still formulating my opinion and really do not have much to say, atleast
productive. I am into everything from current events, to conspiracies, to hi-tech, low-tech to aliens. I am a strong believer in planet x, the
annunaki, sumarians, greys, government cover-ups. I strongly support my troops so I think we need to bring em home. Give Iraq back to the Iraq's,
make a formal appology to all of humanity, put all Bush's, politicians, bankers, coorporations on trial for crimes against humanity and live life to
it's fullest. I believe that humanity & love is all one has, regardless of money or materialistic possesions. Thank you for letting me join and
enjoying the discussions.