posted on Apr, 5 2008 @ 05:21 AM
"11-year-old catches sign error that has rankled staffers for 27 years"
"So Kevin Stufflebeam took his son to the museum's information desk to report Kenton's concern on a comment form. Last week, the boy received a
letter from the museum acknowledging that his observation was "spot on."
"The Precambrian is a dimensionless unit of time, which embraces all the time between the origin of Earth and the beginning of the Cambrian Period of
geologic time," the letter says."
Just goes to show ya' how much stuff is missed by the masses that is right in front of all our eyes...
In fact, here is a prime example... a small test for you... let me know what # you get...
[edit on 4/5/2008 by RabbitChaser]