posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 11:30 AM
Recently I watched the film
Esoteric Agenda which I thought was a tad bit alarmist. But I also
became aware of the
Codex Alimentarius which the WHO and FAO has projected may lead to the
deaths 3 billion people (half the world population) via famine and pestilence.
And it occured to me that maybe destabilizing the middle east: iraq, afghanistan and soon to be iran if my predictions are correct, is actually only
phase 1 of extermination, genocide or World Depopulation agenda of the NWO.
If these countries are still in ruins come December 2009 when Codex Alimentarius goes into effect. It will essentially have the greatest impact on
countries which are the least stable.
Scary thought, but according to the Christian Apocalypse the
Four Horseman are
War, Pestilence, Famine and death. All of which seem to be part of the intentional NWO plot that is unfolding.