Here is one of the introductory emails fom a MUFON investigator.
Hello Fr. XXXXX --
One of our investigators, Keith XXXXXX, is good at photo analysis and
has volunteered to analyze your recent ufo shots. If you have no
objection, please email all nine shots directly to Keith --
[email protected]. You should send each file in the exact form that
it was downloaded from the camera to your computer. We may be able
to do some enhancement, and we are also looking into the possibility
that your sighting may be related to another report we have from just
a few miles from your location.
Please let me know if you are able to do this.
Thanks you, Fr. XXXXX
Here is another email scheduling our face to face with Oregon MUFON
Fr. James,
2 PM is fine. Don't worry if you are a late. We'll stay around till at least 3 PM.
It's a date and we'll see you then.
Keep in touch in the meantime.
I'll reconfirm a day or two before July 14.
On Jun 13, 2007, at 5:33 PM, james XXXXX wrote:
Howdy Keith,
That saturday will be fine, but would it be possible for a 2pm time slot on that? I have confirmation classes in the morning and if I remember right
it will take me about 2 hrs to get there. Plus, I have to remember where the Student Union is lol.
I will bring my mother along as well and probably my wife since she wouldnt want to be left alone on a weekend, lol. My mother was relating a story
she experienced when she was a little girl of a scaled black eyed "child" that played with her on her family's farm/homestead. We had been talking
about angels/demons vs what is known or reportedly known of alien races and she said "Oh I know what they look like." My mouth dropped. She isnt a
sci fi fan nor acquainted with ET related materials, and she claimed she didnt recall the incident until I mentioned the purported species along with
angelic/demonic correlations. She said "it clicked." Interesting and disturbing. Let me know if the 2pm will work for you on that saturday.
Fr. James
Keith XXXXX wrote:
I was on vacation last week and "out of the office." I'll be reading your list of experiences soon. Thanks for compiling them.
Doug XXXXX, MUFON field investigator, and I would like to come down to Eugene to visit with you as we talked about before. Saturday, July 14, at 1 PM
works for Doug and me. I hope this is good for you. I can't think of anywhere to meet except for the Student Union on the University of Oregon
campus. We would probably be able to find a quiet place on campus somewhere to chat.
Let us know if this is convenient for you. And, I think you mentioned bringing along your mother. Of course, we'd like to meet her, too.
I'm swamped with UFO investigations right now and haven't been able to get back to your photos lately, but it'll get back to them sometime . . .
but it could take months to finish up the analysis and write-up!
Let us know if July 14 at 1 PM at the Student Union is good.
On Jun 6, 2007, at 9:39 PM, james XXXXX wrote:
Hello Keith,
Sorry to bug you, but I thought it may be good for you to have what I can currently recall from all my experiences from childhood onwards for our
discussion coming up. I included regular paranormal experiences as well within it. I am attaching a word document entitled memoir and believe it is
accurate and up to date. Let me know what you think.
Father XXXXX
Here are my case reports from the MUFONCMS site.
(This one is the nighttime report)
(this one is the daylight report)