posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 07:54 PM
I have been as if in a bubble my entire life. I was raised in a Christian home and thought constantly of the rapture as a way of escape for most
"good" people. It was not until 2 years ago that I saw flaws in religion and began to look elsewhere for answers.
We have all watched the news, and have been witnesses to the atrocities of man. War ravages the lands, and would-be dictators make new laws to
control the masses. Gas prices rise, while children starve in their homes at night... if they have homes.
And my quest has brought me face to face with an obvious, but unlikely question:
What would happen if the people on this planet joined together? In a movement so large, so determined... that they could not be turned away. And if,
in one common voice we shouted, "Enough is enough!"
Call it dreaming if you wish. Perhaps the imagination of a man who desires mankind to grow beyond itself. We are all fortunate to have a place to
discuss theories, and what if's? here on ATS. So I would ask a what if...
Men stopped fighting. Stopped funding wars. Stopped creating fear for the ability to control. And instead, funded science. Funded research to cure
more diseases. To rid the planet of illiteracy once and for all. To stop selfish tyrannical dreams, and instead focus on the common goal of good.
I think the planet would be much better off. TV Commercials wouldn't have to beg for money to help cure breast cancer. You wouldn't have to see the
images of a small black child in Africa covered in flies. And you wouldn't have to see old men on the corners with signs that read, "Please help.
Bad choices put me here".
This world could be exactly what it should. But it would take a loud voice. And not of one man, but of all. And perhaps it would go down in history
not as a revolt that changed the planet, but instead... as the new movement.
Your thoughts... if you please.