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Shapeshifting, is it possible ?

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posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 07:00 PM
Ever since i came across the subject of shapeshifting it sticks in my mind.
In some David icke article it was stated that you can actively change your dna code and your whole body can shapeshift into something else.
It sounds a bit far off, but does far off mean impossible ?

There are more themes on shapshifting than the ones of David icke.
Vampires, werewolves, fairies, witches, and wizards.

We've survived many catastrophes. According to legends, we people are in our fifth creation -- destroyed four times before. Each time it has been the Shapeshifter -- what you might call `sorcerer' or `prophet' -- who led us out of the abyss."

--Vieja Itza, Mayan healer-shaman

During the process of writing the book Shapeshifting, I found that many people had the opinion that cellular shapeshifting, where people become jaguars and plants, was important years ago for indigenous peoples and cultures that had to escape from enemies in the forest, or hunt down buffalo and other animals -- but was not important in this day and age and probably doesn't occur anymore.

I disagree. I have seen a lot of very significant cellular Shapeshifting around the world. There are lamas in Tibet who fly across mountains and melt snow with the heat of their bodies, and shamans in the Amazon who become jaguars, and people in this country who miraculously get cured of cancers. I think cellular Shapeshifting is very important, because when we cellular Shapeshift, we realize that we really are one with everything.

Shapeshifting from Wikipedia

Shapeshifting in Celtic Myth

[edit on 1-4-2008 by jaamaan]

posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 09:38 PM
kinda out there for me

[edit on 1-4-2008 by chupacabraboy]

posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 11:13 PM
From what I understand, if you change your DNA code, some of you feature will change, sure. Your pigmentation can change, that 'd probably be the most immediately noticeable hang,e though I canb't guess how lon it wouldtake. Body structure could change, but it wouldn't be immediate. Bonew wouldn't sudenly shift, muscles change, shoe size, ect. in fact, the bones at the very leat would stay very much the same. So would hight and shoe size. Keep in mind, your body has already grown, and while your DNA is sort of the blueprints, it doesn't control every little feature. DNA tells the protiens how to form the heart, but the heart beats due to muscular spasms, get it? It's more likely you'd expierience problems when an injury occurs, and DNA is used to start repairs. I have to admit, I'm not great at genetics, but I'm working off of what i remember. But I don't think chaning the DNA itself would cause a immediate, sudden, or even overttime cause a seriouse change. Problems though would be likely.

posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 11:17 PM
reply to post by RuneSpider

Now is it possilbe that for a species to naturaly develop shape changing abilities, or to be geneticly engineered to? Well, anything is possible, though I don't know for sure how precise it'd bee. I can think of, in nature, where wher einsects have a similar appaearance to a wasp or a beew, or some other little nasty to protect themselves. You have the octopus, which can to some degree change it's shape and color. Chamelons are famous for changing their colors. So it's a possibility, though how perfect it could be, we'd have to see. It'd be hard to naturaly mimic something down to facial features and hair, scars, ect.

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 02:51 AM

Originally posted by RuneSpider
From what I understand, if you change your DNA code, some of you feature will change, sure. Your pigmentation can change, that 'd probably be the most immediately noticeable hang,e though I canb't guess how lon it wouldtake.

The problem is that for any significant change, you would have to transform ~90% of your cells DNA, something that is impossible at this stage, unless you tranfect a zygote (The fertilized egg-cell).

in fact, the bones at the very leat would stay very much the same. So would hight and shoe size. Keep in mind, your body has already grown, and while your DNA is sort of the blueprints, it doesn't control every little feature.

This is not correct. Bone are metabolized and rebuilt all the time. Older people get shorter, because the break-down processes from osteoclasts are more active than the rebuilding from osteoblasts.

But I don't think chaning the DNA itself would cause a immediate, sudden, or even overttime cause a seriouse change. Problems though would be likely.

As you say, no, it wouldnt happen immediately. But it could change over a longer periode of time. Just look at insects that transform from egg --> larvae --> coocoon --> some weird animal. Its the same thing, in theory.

Edit: Forgot a / in a quote.

[edit on 2/4/08 by Thain Esh Kelch]

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 05:17 AM
The body changes its cells constantly, we have a complete new body every couple of weeks i believe.

Atoms are mostly build up out of void/air/nothing so that wouldnt be so hard to change i guess.

I believe the shape shifting process may be initiated at a genetic level and the bodies molecular/atomic consistency could shift from the inside out. After the process is triggered, the vibrational energy that binds together the molecules, releases or "unbinds" and reshapes the molecules to a genetically encoded form or "template" that is embedded deep within the animal gene itself. (I say animal here simply because, a] One cannot dismiss the fact that we are all animals - regardless of our egocentricism - and b] legends from around the world in which animal shape shifting has been witnessed by shamans and aboriginal tribes people, such as in native American Indian lore, alike may have some factual basis.)

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 05:35 AM

In a remarkable period of 15 days as I travelled, around the United States in 1998, I met more than a dozen separate people who told me of how they had seen humans transform into reptiles and go back again in front of their eyes. Two television presenters had just such an experience while interviewing, a man who was in favour of the global centralisation of power known as the New World Order. After the live interview, the male presenter said to his colleague that he had experienced an amazing sight during the interview. He had seen the man's face transform into a lizard-like creature and then return to human. His female fellow presenter was astounded because she had seen the interviewee's hands turn reptilian. The male presenter also told me of an experience a policeman friend had while making a routine visit: to an office block in Aurora, near Denver, Colorado. The policeman had commented to an executive of one of the companies on the ground: floor of the extreme nature o f security in the building. She told him he should look at the higher floors if he wanted to know how extensive it really was. She also pointed to a lift which only went to certain floors at the top of the building and, as they chatted, she told him of something she had seen some weeks earlier. The lift had opened and a very strange figure had emerged. He was white to the point of: being albino, but he had a face shaped like a lizard and his eye pupils were vertical like a reptile's. This lizard-like figure, had walked out of the lift and in to an official-looking car waiting outside. The policeman was so intrigued that lie used his own time to check on the companies at the top of the building served, by the mystery lift. He found they were all fronts for the Central Intelligence Agency, the CIA.

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 06:49 AM
Here´s a very old thread of mine about this:

Shapeshift yourself

Dont re-active the thread, just check out the first page.

For me its more a "paranormal"/spiritual phenomenon than a cryptolozoology thing though.

[edit on 2-4-2008 by Skyfloating]

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 06:52 AM
I have to admit I find it hard to believe, but my gut instinct tells me it's true. The stories of werewolves, vampires and other similar things go far back in time and there are just so many of them they must have come from somewhere.

reply to post by Skyfloating

Very interesting. Reminds me of a quote I once heard.
"All is possible for those who believe"

[edit on 2/4/08 by NuclearPaul]

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 08:29 AM

Originally posted by NuclearPaul
I have to admit I find it hard to believe, but my gut instinct tells me it's true. The stories of werewolves, vampires and other similar things go far back in time and there are just so many of them they must have come from somewhere.

That is why i find it interesting to see if i, or others, can come up wtih something along the shapeshifting lines.

See if there is more than a "gut" feeling.

I can not come up with much information so far, but i am not a good journalist or researcher.

The fact that the human body renews its cells in a certain cycle and that we thereby get a new body all the time is most interesting in this direction i think.
If our dna codes would change would our cells renew us into something different ?
I mean drasticly, like a different body ?

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
Multiple Personality Disorder and Shapeshifting

Apparently people who suffer MPD unwittingly "shapeshift". According to scientific case-studies many who switch back and forth between personalities display real physical changes that can occur within minutes: scars appear or disappear, eyesight suddenly improves or worsens, skin colour changes, etc.

While these people are not doing it on purpose it does provide evidence that one can physically shapeshift within a short time.

Thanks for the information.

Any information on physical shapeshifting is interesting at this point for me.

[edit on 2-4-2008 by jaamaan]

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 10:28 AM
I agree that while bone restructuring is just about impossible, cosmetic changes can be drastic. The cuttlefish is the ultimate chameleon. Not only can it change color, it can animate a moving pattern on it's skin, as well as changing even the texture of the skin. I can imagine a scenario where a humanoid with this degree of contol over its skin could easily jumpstart myths of werewolves etc.

Cuttlefish video:

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 10:29 AM
Here is an other interesting account on shapeshifting on this board.

Originally posted by wigit
I believe some folk can shape-shift. There was a guy in Scotland who used to do it. His name was Ray something. He died just a few years ago in a residential care home.He first noticed the ability himself when sitting in a park one day and some kids asked him to "stop doing that". When he asked what they said, "stop making faces". I never met him myself but I've a few friends who did. One of them visited him more than 50 times and he shape-shifted every single visit. They'd go in, sit in front of him, and just watch him change. There was no dark room with a wee lamp or curtain or anything, and no meditations or stuff. Very quickly his face would vanish and flutter like a shuffling pack of cards and stop at a different face. There would be grey aliens, god-like entities & archetypes such as Zeus, and what-have-you. I heard that sometimes the walls behind him would bubble and drip, or melt down, or curve.

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 10:40 AM
I cant help myself quoting one more time from this fantastic topic allready going on ATS about shapeshifting.
Fantastic information

I can recommend the read to any one.

Originally posted by poltergeist
As I mentioned before earlier in this thread, there is a strong correlation between shape-shifting and remote influencing ability / micro pk. Micro pk is just an under evolved version of macro pk ( which is the ability to totally manipulate reality and distort it or change it to the effect of appearing unrealistic )

It makes sense because energy is at the root of everything. Matter is molecules in motion or energy. If quantum energy is kinetic, and if it is the realm of possibility then other realms beyond this one are purely holographic and are very subject to change and manipulation.

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 09:11 AM
reply to post by jaamaan

you make a good point

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 09:33 AM
From a physical perspective it is impossible to believe that anyone or anything could shapeshift in front of your eyes! Sounds ridiculous doesn't it?

From a quantam physics perspective, it is quite possible BECAUSE all matter is energy in motion!

Quantam physics tells us that there are certain photons and other tiny thingys (I apologise, it is past my bedtime) that only appear when are thinking about them!?! Something to do with the string theory!

Spiritual masters will tells us that energy follows thought! So if that is the case, why can't we all shapeshift whenever we "think" about it???


P.S. Whenever I hear about shapeshifting, it always turns my mind to that sinister tv series about 20 or more years ago called "V", they didn't shapeshift, but the reptilian aliens were posing as humans under a kind of synthetic skin. Freaked me out at the time!

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