CG promo for BBC. Been posted already and people at work are mailing links to it all over the place. Move along. Nothing to see here. You
know...unless you like seeing some nifty CG flying penguins...which admittedly is pretty...well, nifty.
I heard that they learned it from migrating Kiwi birds. On their path from New Zeland to Tokyo they pass directly above that specific colony.
Or pack of Ostriches that escaped from local zoo could teach them this trick, but it is my, non-scientific hypothesis.
Good find and keep a good job.
Been there, done it, although I did`nt realise it was an anagram of April fool, Silly
I guessed (a little while after) that it was an April Fool
prank by the BBC and the next morning, they admitted
But... I WANTED it to be real! I wanted the idea that
world isn't neatly boxed and packaged by humans.
I think we all here search for the glitch on the radar, the
shadow on the lens, the strange fur snagged on the twig.
Keep going fellow ATS'ers.