posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 03:26 AM
With Love.
You know, peaceful protest does not work anymore. At the rate things are going protests are only going to progress into bloody massacres down the
road. So let's try another aproach. Instead of trying to combat our great many injustices using their own tactics. let's use our own. knowledge and
Love. Let's conspire to try and live in a state of love all the time! To do this we must understand.
First off let's forgive the bloodlines for all of there wrong doings, notice I did not say forget. We must look at them through their own eyes and
repent. Next, try to realize how much more powerful we are then them. The numbers are by far in our favor. We just have to think out side the box a
We are not seperate beings. Quantum Physics is starting to prove this to be fact! So to hate and fear those in power is to hate and fear ourselves. We
all make up one being! Call it what you want. It's kinda like recycling. To effect waste Globally you must act locally. This same concept holds true
to a society. If you want to change things in it you must start with yourself and branch out. The more people get in a state of love and
understanding, the more powerful this vibration will be. Right now most people are in a state of fear. There governments engineer false flag terrorism
operations. Kill thousands of innocents. Then accuse the citizens of the terrorism. We must not fear this when we will all die in the end anyway.
What's the point of life? To love. We must remember that!
[edit on 1-4-2008 by MrsEsterhouse]