posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 03:24 PM
Hey all im new to the forum, 17 year old male from Ottawa Canada. I've always been intrested in this phenomina but recently took it to the next level
and started reading about it and joninig such forums. I had a question, today my aunt happened to bring up the topic of UFO'S and in fact told me
about her sighting(s). First, when living in the northwest territories in the 70's she saw what appeared to be a saucer shaped disk with an orange
eray of light to it going back in fourth in a sqaure pattern. knid of liek it was dancing in the air, for about 5 minutes. Her boyfriend also
witnessed this. Now today she has told me she saw the exact same thing again when she went back home to the northwest teorritories, and this time her
friend saw it as well. So the question im getting to is do you think this is mear quincidence, to see a UFO not once but twice, doing the exact same
thing in the same region of a country? I havent thourouly discussed it with her but hope to ask her if she is having any dream realted experiences or
possible missing time lapses.
[edit on 31-3-2008 by Gazrok]