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Excavation starts at Stonehenge

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posted on May, 21 2008 @ 07:18 PM
Why does it appear you're just posting data off a geological survey?
Do you have this survey available?

I'm getting the gist of what you are saying, but I'm still confused about how you determined that Moses was buried there, or that Noah's ark came to rest in that location 'floating on oil' I believe you said.

Do you have any information that would make these events clearer?


posted on May, 31 2008 @ 06:14 PM
Seventh Theory of Stonehenge First
Burnt bones hint at Stonehenge story

Stonehenge, et al. Coal dusters. 21st June 1656

Avebury coal duster, Cursus coal duster, Durrington Walls coal duster, Long Barrow coal duster, Robin Hood's Ball coal duster, Stonehenge coal duster, Woodhenge coal duster, etc, all being originally simple coal hunting failures. Every one of them were coal exploration sites that did not yield any coal.

Take away all of the dressed up cemetery headstone rocks and what have you got? Nothing more than a bunch of coal exploratory ditches and holes, that is what. Afterwards, these ditches and holes were utilised as grave plots, for tired disappointed coal explorers, and their cold disheartened families.

Sad but true.

Anthracite and Bituminous burnt 3000 BC bones

In 1973 the Indiana University of Pennsylvania ("IUP") Indians GS 131 geochemical lab detected sulfur in Dr. Garry Denke (1622-1699) core samples from the '56 Aubrey Holes which circle Stonehenge centre.

IUP Indians 1973 quantitative '56 Aubrey Holes geochemical analysis verified this high sulfur content from anthracite and bituminous burnt 3000 BC bones in Dr. Garry Denke (1622-1699) '56 Aubrey Holes cores.

Indians confirmed by Sun Devils and Sun Angels

In 1974 the Arizona State University ("ASU") Sun Devils CH 113 chemical lab and Sun Angels GL 323 mineralogical lab confirmed the 1973 IUP Indians GS 131 geochemical lab anthracite and bituminous '56 findings.

Anthracite and bituminous Stonehenge coals were first discovered by Dr. Garry Denke (1622-1699), IUP Indians, ASU Sun Devils, and ASU Sun Angels (1656-1974), in USA laboratories first detecting sulphur (S,16).

Stonehenge cremation fuel: Westphalian carbon

Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous) coal and Mississippian (Early Carboniferous) lime in Dr. Garry Denke (1622-1699) Aubrey Holes of '56 were first verfied in 1973, and first confirmed in 1974, by USA laboratories.

Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Arizona State University


[edit on 5/31/2008 by Garry Denke]

posted on May, 31 2008 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by garyo1954
Why does it appear you're just posting data off a geological survey?
Do you have this survey available?

I'm getting the gist of what you are saying, but I'm still confused about how you determined that Moses was buried there, or that Noah's ark came to rest in that location 'floating on oil' I believe you said.

Do you have any information that would make these events clearer?


posted on Jun, 4 2008 @ 12:30 AM
One month it's Healing.
One month it's Death.
One month it's Coal.

Aubrey Holes' Phosphorus and Brimstone

The '56 holes Circling 'round Stonehenge cave Coal shoring Material;

7 Questions:

Dr. Garry Denke - John Aubrey - Lt.-Col. William Hawley - Robert Newall - Question No. 1
Why did the Ancient dig and fill '56 cave chimney vent holes with Carboniferous Limestone?

Dr. Garry Denke - John Aubrey - Lt.-Col. William Hawley - Robert Newall - Question No. 2
Why did the Ancient then remove '56 cave chimney vent holes' Carboniferous Limestone?

Dr. Garry Denke - John Aubrey - Lt.-Col. William Hawley - Robert Newall - Question No. 3
Why did the Ancient burn anthracite Coal in the bottom of all '56 cave chimney vent holes?

Dr. Garry Denke - John Aubrey - Lt.-Col. William Hawley - Robert Newall - Question No. 4
Why did the Ancient burn bituminous Coal in the bottom of all '56 cave chimney vent holes?

Dr. Garry Denke - John Aubrey - Lt.-Col. William Hawley - Robert Newall - Question No. 5
Why did the Ancient cremate ancient Dead in the bottom of all '56 cave chimney vent holes?

Dr. Garry Denke - John Aubrey - Lt.-Col. William Hawley - Robert Newall - Question No. 6
Why did the Ancient cremate such Dead with anthracite Coal in all '56 of the Aubrey Holes?

Dr. Garry Denke - John Aubrey - Lt.-Col. William Hawley - Robert Newall - Question No. 7
Why did the Ancient cremate such Dead with bituminous Coal in all '56 of the Aubrey Holes?

Thanks a lot.

1. secnereffid suorefinobrac / suoecaterc hcaet
2. secnereffid suorefinobrac / suoecaterc thguat
3. nrub 'emalf enots eulb' a rof laoc eticarhtna
4. tnetnoc ruflus dna surohpsohp rof suonimutib
5. syenmihc evac fo mottob ta devil srotsecna
6. loac edarg hgih /w tnrub srotsecna edarg hgih
7. loac edarg wol /w tnrub srotsecna edarg wol

blue stone
blue flame
blue coal

Little Haven-Amroth Coalfield
Pembrokeshire Coalfield
Carbon content 96%
Ancient source


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