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If 9/11 was a domestically complicit conspiracy, how did “they” mess it up so bad?

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posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 01:27 PM
The answer is, intentionally.

That’s correct. It was actually a part of the plan to leave the “loose change” behind. Think about it for a moment, what difference does it really make in the long run? What has the effect of all of these anomalies and disjointed facts been?

The 9/11 attacks were immediately profitable for many people, but those initial profits and gains were not the goal. The looting of the WTC gold, the insurance payouts, the destruction of key corruption evidence, all of these were secondary objectives to the primary mission. The 9/11 attacks were a psychological operation, or “PsyOp,” carried out against the American people as a whole. It has been highly successful. So why would the perpetrators and conspirators leave clues behind?

Point one. These unanswered questions send a direct message to a certain segment of the population. To the people who have not been hypnotized by the myriad of tactics employed to ensure the "dumbing-down" and complacency of the American people. To the independent thinkers and lovers of freedom who would be the most likely to dissent from righteous grounds. To the people who will not blindly follow the word of their masters. The message is clear, and it is this, “We have done this, and there is nothing you can do about it. We will do the same to you.”

Point two. The revelations of the unexplained have created a deep, emotional, and almost unbridgeable rift in our society. A tactic as old as conquest itself. More than the fact that we were attacked on our own soil, it is this rift which continues to stoke ongoing fears. Fear of homegrown terrorism straddles the conscious and subconscious mind of society. The unease keeps everyone on edge at all times, and malleable to the will of the conspirators. The idea that if you are against the government, then you are with the terrorists remains prominent. The net result is that even those who see glimmers of truth are still willing to accept “desperate measures for desperate times.” Fear of thy neighbor, that either they are conspiring with the terrorists, or that they may find you have uncovered some truth that is forbidden. If there were no lingering questions about 9/11, the conspirators would be left with far less confusion to work with in carrying out their evil works. The questions are an impenetrable shield of obfuscation between the people and the ongoing agenda of the conspirators.

posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 03:32 PM
By the lack of responses, I am thinking that perhaps I have titled the thread poorly, and attracting only those who are actually in agreement with my premise.

posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 12:49 AM
Well, I suppose that settles it then.

posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 06:00 AM

Originally posted by jackinthebox
By the lack of responses, I am thinking that perhaps I have titled the thread poorly, and attracting only those who are actually in agreement with my premise.

Yeah that may have something to do with it although I am with you and I clicked it so there are some of us.

Well done overall especially on the second point I agree 100%. On a somewhat related note its happening here in Australia as well, we used to have ads on TV telling us to tell the government about our neighbors if they were acting suspicious (i.e. foreign) and they had a list of "crimes" running across the screen and if you looked closely one of them read "...they have a lot of pool supplies". Now that is the government criminalizing part of Australian lifestyle and culture. I don't believe terrorists have personally affected me but the government sure has.

posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 06:22 AM
Thanks for taking the time to write a well-thought out post.

Please allow me to make an observation:

IMO, a lot of posts from those who do not believe in the official story of 9-11, go to fairly lengthy attempts to draw those in your camp as enlightened and aware. The rest of us, of course, are dolts.

I am curious as to why this argumentative technique is almost, again IMO, universally employed. It is a fairly common thread within 9-11 posts.

What are your thoughts?

posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by SlightlyAbovePar
Thanks for taking the time to write a well-thought out post.

Please allow me to make an observation:

IMO, a lot of posts from those who do not believe in the official story of 9-11, go to fairly lengthy attempts to draw those in your camp as enlightened and aware. The rest of us, of course, are dolts.

I am curious as to why this argumentative technique is almost, again IMO, universally employed. It is a fairly common thread within 9-11 posts.

What are your thoughts?

Wow...THAT question will be answered when you no longer need to ask it...

posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by Rubber Bullet

I am glad you sounded of from down under. It is certainly true that 9/11 has greatly affected the entire world, not just the US. You will find that I talk of Americna rights and so forth, because I know more about them. But the police-state is being is quickly being finalized throughout Western society, and truthfully I think that this is particularly true in Australia for some reason. Only goes to show that the New World Order is already in place. There were people within the US goverment and in US business that were certainly invloved, but this really is a conspiracy of global proportion. National governments have already been subverted, and are now just tools really.

...we used to have ads on TV telling us to tell the government about our neighbors if they were acting suspicious ...

I started the following thread regarding the Soviet method of having citizens spy on themselves...

Crime Beat: Tips from public help nab criminals

EDIT to add image

[edit on 4/1/0808 by jackinthebox]

posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by SlightlyAbovePar

I'm sorry, it may just be because I am tired, but I'm not sure I understand your question.

Regarding being argumentative in general, I think it should be expected, and can even be fruitful. I know that I have learned more through valid debate, than by sitting around patting eachother on the back. I just really can't stand derailing though, and obvious disinformation tactics. Don't try to beat it into my head that your opinion is right just because you say so, is what I often feel like telling some people. If someone has a valid argument to present though, I am all for it.

posted on Apr, 2 2008 @ 12:49 AM
We live in an imperfect world. Even the best laid plans can go awry and it appears that every screw up regarding September 11, 2001 has already been pointed out.

The motive for the events of September 11, 2001 by the actual conspirators, to start a new era of war were acheived. They knew the conspiracy theories were going to come anyway no matter how well they pulled it off and went with it. And while I'm sure fear of being found out has kept some of them awake at night, for the majority of them it has not.

Fear of government reprisals, dissent, all of it would have come about anyway. War does that to a population. Especially when wars are found to be completely nonsensical for publicly stated defensive purposes.

[edit on 2-4-2008 by Frith]

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 04:43 AM
Sometimes I wonder if such "seeds of doubt" were left behind as part of a larger plan for later. If any of you have seen the University of Washington speech Naomi Wolf: The End of America you already are aware that the 10 most common steps which would be dictators use to close down an open society are all well underway in America.

If you are still with me that far, you have to realize that there is purpose in all of this effort. But there needs to be a catalyst just prior to enacting the final stroke of martial law. I have always assumed the worst like a nuke or biological attack as the catalysing event but it could just as easily be a mass awakening by the people of America as to what has really been happening behind the scenes for all these years. I imagine the net result would be mass uprisings and even rioting which would play right into martial law (not to protect the people, rather to protect the government).

Perhaps they are planning to use our own justifiable outrage to play us right into their hands. Yes, I know. It's a bit paranoid but well within the realm of possibility....

posted on Apr, 3 2008 @ 10:58 PM
I highly recommend the "Naomi Wolf" video posted above.

reply to post by SystemiK

Thanks for the link. Star!

[edit on 4/3/0808 by jackinthebox]

posted on Apr, 4 2008 @ 11:59 PM
reply to post by jackinthebox

Great thread!! The people behind this intentionally left "clues" and mis- direction to confuse and divide...with obvious success.

Part 2 iis a great point also but my confusion stems from the people who agree whole heartedly with the explanation we were given completely ignoring or denying the oddities and blatent lies that we have been fed.And argue those " facts " as undisputable.Even when the villians left them there for all to see.

Do official story defenders find any of the discrepancies in the government msm version.And if so how can they miss the "clues" left for us to ponder?

posted on Apr, 5 2008 @ 12:20 AM
Honestly, I was ignoring the thread based on the title. I just thought it was another person who believed the official line and was trying to debunk the people who don't believe. I didn't read that you were the author, or I could have guessed otherwise. I was just expecting the same old song and dance with nothing new to read.

You bring up good points though. This is an observation I haven't seen anyone else specifically bring up yet. I think you could be correct. Although, when talking about crimes of this magnitude, I would still think that if someone was to do it that they would prefer for it to go perfectly smooth with no "loose change". While it is still very improbable that anyone will ever face charges over the actions on 9/11, there is still that off chance. And if it were to happen, guilty parties should be killed for treason.

I know if I was involved, I would want absolutely no loose change left behind.

posted on Apr, 5 2008 @ 12:36 AM
I'm just wondering why at least two different ATS members, on this very thread, have about 49,000 ATS points, yet they joined at about the same time I did......

Yup, I've had 'warns' before, about three so far, so that's 1500 points.

I learned some lessons along the way, guess many of us have as well...

AND I realize this is SO off-topic, I will possibly get another's late, I'm tired, and going to bed....

BUT, the title of the thread got my attention, partly because of the subject, partly because of the author.

As Jack says, if it was 'false flag', then why screw it up so badly???


posted on Apr, 5 2008 @ 01:33 AM
If you want to get more points, you need to start more threads. If you can start a hot button thread and get a lot of responses, your points will go up quickly.

Sorry for being off topic.

posted on Apr, 5 2008 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker

I'm just wondering why at least two different ATS members, on this very thread, have about 49,000 ATS points, yet they joined at about the same time I did......

I also just won second place in a writing contest.

Hell in Seventh Heaven

posted on Apr, 6 2008 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by jackinthebox

Thanks, jack, for the answer, and congratulations!

Sorry for 'jacking' your thread in the wrong, carry on!


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