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The Case for Controlled Demolition

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posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 01:16 AM

Retired public defender William Veale presents a concise summary of some of the evidence behind the controlled demolition hypothesis of the complete collapse of WTC buildings 1,2, and 7.

This is a clip from "Improbable Collapse: The Demolition of Our Republic" -

Related News:
3/25/08 (AP/Yahoo) - Engineer society accused of cover-ups

[edit on 31-3-2008 by]

posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 10:06 AM
While I believe this could have been posted in an existing thread, I'll ask anyway. Would a believer of the official Government theory, of 9/11 believe this evidence, is actually evidence? or would they believe this is nothing more than hearsay and conspiricists theories?

I for one believe that all the dust and debris, should have choked off the oxygen supply to the fires, stories deep, so to the the believers. How was molten metal found weeks later? I am familiar with spontaneous combustion (retired volunteer firefighter) but steel, still in a molten state, has me confused as how this can be, after weeks under a mountain of oxygen deprived, dust and debris. I'm sure there were pockets of air, but that much? please.

posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 10:25 AM
You couldn't reasonably expect that steel melted on 9/11 remained molten for 6 weeks without enough thermal input to keep it molten which means it didn't necessarily melt long before it was discovered. If you've ever seen molten steel, it's white hot and extremely incandescent but all the molten material pictured is only red hot so that alone goes against much of it being steel.

There's no doubt that the rubble fires were very hot but how they got THAT hot is quite a puzzle and it would require a strong draft from below the pile to do it.

posted on Mar, 31 2008 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by Pilgrum
If you've ever seen molten steel, it's white hot and extremely incandescent but all the molten material pictured is only red hot so that alone goes against much of it being steel.

Steel starts glowing red before it melts. It also turns orange and yellow before white. Those are all still indicative of uniform heating beyond any temperatures NIST found evidence for.

posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by saturnsrings
Would a believer of the official Government theory, of 9/11 believe this evidence, is actually evidence? or would they believe this is nothing more than hearsay and conspiricists theories?.

Some yes, some no. When you find that magic clip that will convince everyone, send it my way!

But seriously, it's like our YouTube channel description says:

"Welcome to the YouTube channel! We hope you will be both informed and entertained while you're here, regardless of your current point of view. These videos aren't necessarily meant to "prove it to you," even though some might, nor should they be considered anywhere near a full account of the available information on any of the topics. How can someone sum up the content of numerous books in a YouTube clip? They can't. The purpose is to get you interested so you'll want to learn more on your own."

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