posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 01:01 AM
It could be real but I don't like the video at all. Its our boys being hurt over there and no matter what you think of Bush, the troops over there
are 99.9999% solid gold. Those poor "C.D.A.T.s" (computerized dumb ass tankers) have no political agenda, most aren't that smart. (Don't you dare
say that about them though I say it out of love for my own CDATS I took care of!
I bet the video ends there because the tank had them zeroed. At least thats what I hope. Get 'er done guys! The cloaked guy probably made thier
posistion if thats what he was.
I've seen this tech with my own eyes on a triangle aircraft, so I know its possible. And it was about as good as this appeared to be.
"Ghost In The Shell" ring any bells? The idea is an oldy, this guys was better than the predator's even, ..if it was real. I don't really fear our
government much because I know that tech like this is in the hands of citizen soldiers who are good 'ol boys that love freedom and are devoted to our
constitution if they have any political agenda at all.
When I see stuff like this, I'm glad I'm not an enemy of freedom!