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The surge was bunk, and today proves it.

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posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by Alxandro

Is that your way of saying we should lose instead? This war is no different because even though you, and many more anti US folks like you, would much rather lose this war and always seems to salivate when new figures are released on the Death Toll in Iraq, you all should at least be grateful that your children will not have to share the World with Uday and Qusay. I feel we still don't know everything there is to know about why we went into Iraq,

Not exactly
“should lose” but it’s my way of looking at reality. I don’t like living in denial. I’m not much into the hyped sales pitch that puts a happy spin on everything including bad news. The US Army Counter-Insurgency Manual says we should have 25 soldiers per 1,000 civilian population to subdue an insurgency. Iraq has 25 million people, or 2,500 blocks of 1,000 each. 2,500 X 25 equals 625,000 soldiers. We have 160,000 in Iraq so we are short over 400,000 soldiers by our own numbers. So who’s LOSING?

The ultimate price. Yes, I am chagrined by the rising KIA total on our side. I am also resentful of a government that refuses to let news cameras on Dover AFB to witness the flag draped coffins coming home. First amendment? What’s that? We at home pay no war tax; we at home have no war rationing; and we at home have not much news about the high price American servicemen, women and their families pay.

Those service personnel
who aren’t killed but are instead maimed for life get roach-infested care at Walter Reed Hospital. It was NOT Bush43 who discovered that on a personal trip - A Lincoln went there every day - but it was a newspaper reporter acting on a tip who brought forth the news! Yes, we do LOVE our veterans. The entry level VA disability payment is $117 a month. Gee, thanks America. You certainly do love your veterans and you show it too!

Who will be the last man to die in Iraq? Should he or she get a medal? Posthumously of course.

If Uday and Qusay were the LAST two maniac tyrants on this Planet, then yes, but since they are but 2 men out of an unknown number, I don’t think I’m any safer and Bush43 gets no credit from me. We tolerated Edi Amin. We have tolerated Darfur. We were slow to act in Bosnia. We don’t even watch the news from Somalia. Or Zimbabwe. We sat by silently for 40 years as South Africa abused the great majority of its citizens. Buying their diamonds and their gold. This is old stuff to BIG POWERS. I don’t think catching and killing the Saddam murderers is worth much on the Bush43 credit side. It sure ain't worth 4,000 KIA and counting! IMO.

Instead of wondering what we DON”T know - akin to proving a negative - about Iraq and Bush43, why not ponder what we DO KNOW? That should give everyone pause to consider the performance of Bush43, VP Cheney and Herr Rumsfeld, which 3 I have labeled the Tripartite Dictatorship, the Perfect Storm. Or should it be the Holy Trinity? Or the Godhead?

[edit on 4/1/2008 by donwhite]

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