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Apollo11 Alien Base sighting

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posted on Mar, 10 2011 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by Projectprisonplanet
Can someone please debunk this video for me. It has to be fake. There's no way that this kind of footage would be kickin' around. I've tried to find anything I can about it and haven't had much luck. I don't think anyone has posted it on this topic, maybe on a previous topic. None-the-less, there it is:


Of course it's fake. It is a well known hoax made by Spanish author J.J. Benitez, for a tv documentary. The video was made by Dibulitoon Studio, a Spanish animation studio.

posted on Mar, 11 2011 @ 02:41 PM
What about Richard Hoagland and Mike Bara's work? Alot of the stuff in Dark Missions is quite intreguing.. What is the gerenal consensus of those guys around here and their thoughts about the glass scaffolding and artifacts on the moon?

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