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Bush: Iraq Violence is a 'Very Positive Moment!'

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posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 10:06 AM

Bush: Iraq Violence is a 'Very Positive Moment!'

Speaking to the Times of London in an interview published Thursday, President George W. Bush declared that the latest wave of violence in Iraq yielded "a very positive moment in the development of a sovereign nation that is willing to take on elements that believe they are beyond the law."
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 10:06 AM
With each subsequent time this putrid excuse for humanity opens his stink-hole and squirts rubbish from it, I grow madder and madder. "Our Decider" is truly a sinister, diabolical megalomaniac. His detachment from all the death and carnage he's created, as well as his continual thumbing of his nose to America's people and soldiers is almost jaw-dropping. Again, here he reiterates, how he's the King-Decider for us all:

During his interview with the Times, Bush disparaged those who want US troops to come home, and reinforced his power, saying as he has before, "I'm commander in chief."

He averred that decisions would not be made by those who “scream the loudest” in calling for troops to come home.

“I understand people here want us to leave, regardless of the situation," he said, "but that will not happen so long as I’m Commander-In-Chief.”

His statements about violence and death being 'positive' show what a truly sick, twisted soul he truly is. We are in such need of help from these maniacs.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by DimensionalDetective

“I understand people here want us to leave, regardless of the situation," he said, "but that will not happen so long as I’m Commander-In-Chief.”

His statements about violence and death being 'positive' show what a truly sick, twisted soul he truly is. We are in such need of help from these maniacs.
(visit the link for the full news article)

The Bold and Emphasis are mine, which reflect what TRULY disturbs me the most.

The fact that he, his VP, share exactly the same views toward their constituents. Just another way of saying "so?"

Believe me, I understand the dynamics of the Command-In-Chief, however, feeling comfortable to say that PUBLICLY with compete lack of regard for the people PUBLICLY, is of serious concern to me.


posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

Great posting DimensionalDetective!!! It's very hard to believe and come to grips with the total smugness in the way he addresses the American people. Of course, he is not really the one in control, he's too stupid for that. I truely believe that there are other influeneces pulling the strings of this puppet and it appears that it's been this way since this country was founded!
Honestly, why doesn't this fascist pig and his cabal just come out and say they are the Dictators of our country and get it over with since it's quite obvious that this is not the United States of America that we have been brought up to believe. I think the only thing left now is some type of peaceful revolt on all levels; work, military, everything. Of course, that will never happen and we will continue to tolerate this pig's rhetoric and warmongering in the "land of the free". NOT MY PRESIDENT!!!


posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 10:35 AM
I can just sign all of your posts lads! I can't believe sheer scale of these Nazi like rhetorics coming out of the white house on a daily basis.
It is ever increasing in number and volatility!
I seriously don't see or feel an atom of decency, honesty, integrity or human emotion from ANY member of his cabinet

They are just cannibals craving for blood, money and power. Isn't there a way to develop a virus like Marburg or Ebola virus to attack just an assholes and criminals like those creatures inhabiting white house.
C'mon genetic engineers, start the experiments.

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by Apolon
Isn't there a way to develop a virus like Marburg or Ebola virus to attack just an assholes and criminals like those creatures inhabiting white house.
C'mon genetic engineers, start the experiments.

Only problem with this mentality, is, that we corral their power to exercise our own, and the cycle starts again with a new set of players.

Now we hold the proverbial "finger on the button", and become the deciders, which is no more healthy. However, it hasn't escaped my attention that you were joking to a degree.

I think human nature is in direct conflict with everything we are decrying here, which leads me to believe there really is no solution.

To further my opinion on this:

Violence is a staple of human nature that manifests itself in culture. Behaviors engendered by society, however, have taken this common human compulsion to the next level of complexity through cultural evolution. Unlike conflict created by the power struggles of chimps, human agon is channeled through the pathways of culture, and it is either socially sanctioned or disapproved. For example, group-approved homicide of exceptionally hostile or controlling members is routine among many hunter-gatherer cultures. Behavior spans from “ridicule to assassination (Dominance 209)”, ultimately quashing those thought to hold too much power.



posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 10:53 AM
VERY POSITIVE as oil just positively clicked past $107bbl as the main Iraqi petro-pipeline was bombed again today.


posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 11:06 AM
The only thing that will send the troops home is for Iraq to fend for itself. It's to late to pull out now and I hope that Iraq can get stronger and stronger so our troops can come home. I support our soldiers and what they're doing over there. But I want them safe and home. War shouldn't be the way to do things on this planet, but with the technology booming the way it is I feel it's only gonna get worse. And it's not a positive thing when soldiers are being killed.

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