posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 08:05 AM
Okay, look. The History Channel doesn't engage in disinformation in any of theeir shows, including UFO Hunters. If by ripping off Ghost Hunters,
you mean that they use scientific methods to prove or disprove existence of whatever, then yes, it is. Otherwise, it's completely different subject
matter. It is an ignorant statment. Anyway, anyone who is left disappointed about shows on the History Channel is generally one-sided. You watch
something expecting to get "answers", but first of all, they're not usually going to be able to explain something that most of the scientific world
has been unable to explain for eons. Second, if they were able to give you definitive "proof" of something, given the nature of the subject matter,
it would be hugely biased. The History Channel does something in its programming that most media today should do--be objective! It is not
disinformation when you are simply trying to look at it from all possible angles. Educate yourselves!