posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 04:06 PM
"Why Ron Paul still scares the GOP" one of the headline on CNN!!
Wow and it's a favorable article at that. I have been follow the primaries for a while and found it so frustrating that CNN would not cover Ron
Paul, at all!
I am not American but live in a border town and am very concerned about who will be the U.S. President.
I like Ron Paul and I read CNN daily, so I look for articles of him. CNN would not cover his campaign. The only articles they ever wrote were bad
press ones. CNN always pictured Ron Paul with weird expressions on his face while the rest of the candidates had nice smiles.
Clearly they did not want to support him, that is until today when they affiliate Time did a article on him and CNN listed it in their headlines. I
even saved the headline in a picture in case they remove it, I have proof.
[edit on 26/3/08 by Rhain]