posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 11:00 AM
Since leaving the dogmatic beliefs of religion, I am finding that unified governments do not harm anything but actually unify the people to some
For example, the United States is very diverse, but to some extent most things are similar in the experience of the American way of life, and one of
them being the value of our dollar across state lines. Now I know some of you will say that that isn't so, but I am just generalizing it.
You can generally buy a loaf of bread in any state for less than $2, guaranteed. It's the same for all of us.
I believe that the US plans on unifying the currencies of ourselves with Canada and Mexico, but what will that do?
It seems to me that historically, when currencies united it takes a decade or so for the nations involved to adjust, but in the long run the economies
become stronger and it becomes evident that it is beneficial to all parties involved. It adds greater stability.
Take for example before the US mint or the Bureau of Printing and Engraving existed, much of US money was printed as script by local banks. Some
places would accept it, some would not. The value of money was not uniform and so one mans riches could be extracted by simply knowing how to use the
system to his advantage for cheap labor or goods where he could find it with the currencies he had available.
This is no different than what corporations are able to do today in Mexico. There is a ton of cheap labor down there, and financially the would be
stupid to not take advantage of it.
A North American currency, however, does away with that advantage to a large degree. No longer can a worker in Mexico be paid low wages, for whatever
the new currency is worth in the United States slowly means the low paid Mexican must have to buy goods of the same value in Mexico. Slowly, the
countries involved equalize labor, goods, and resources which actually creates a better standard of living over time.
The biggest obstacle I see in introducing a new unified currency is our own prejudices. With the so-called "Amero", it isn't Americans screaming
about illegal immigration of Canadians. They complain about Mexicans, because they have the most to gain in coming to the states and reaping greater
rewards. Canada has more resources than Mexico so you won't see a large influx of labor from Canada coming here, you will see large corporations
making deals for resources in Canada and new job opportunities in the white north.
American's need to get over the prejudices of Mexican's just like any other people of color or origin. In a way, our lifestyle has made our dollar
collapse, because no good thing can last forever at the expenses of others.
Just my thoughts. Discuss if you wish.
[edit on 26-3-2008 by ben91069]