I am totally new to the whole legal system...and have no clue about court room flow, charges, plea bargin etc.
I would like a couple of pieces of information regarding an issue that I have to deal with in court tomorrow...not what I should do but just the flow
of the ordeal...so I dont look totally stupid.
My Charges are minor, however I am extremely nervous.
So far I was arrested and saw the judge, I made no plea of innocence because I was being charged by the state and no police report or victim testomony
for the judge to make any calls. He set release conditions and I now have court tomorrow.
My first question is...1. If the people which were the "victims" do not show up to court...will the whole thing be thrown out?
I have no priors (not even traffic tickets) will they take that into consideration?
When the judge asks what do you plea...is it at that point I say would the state like to make a plea bargin...or will that happen first.
By the way...I was charged with disorderly conduct, reckless endangerment, and criminal damage.
Because I saw my girlfriend cheated on me, so I followed her, passed her and slowed down to motion her to stop (pumped my brakes etc) pulled up to her
at a stop light and knocked on the window trying to get her to pull over
At no time do I feel I "endangered" any bodily harm to her or homeboy in the car.
Also, the police never witnessed any of the actions I made only the accounts of her and her new lover.
Can I have his testomony dismissed due to conflict of interest?
Second she claims that the bottom of her car, along the bottom part of her door panel starting at the fender well is all scratched and dinged.
However, there is NO damage to my motor cycle, no paint, no scatches no ANYTHING
Second, if I would have hit her during the movement part of the ordeal I would have eaten concrete
Third, if it tipped over when I came to the window the handle bars would have been the first thing to hit the car or if it WAS the foot peg, then my
leg would have been pinned between her car and my bike which I would have burned my leg on the engine.
Anyways...thats a nutshell I understand that you cant give me full legal advice...but any tips or pointers...or just courtroom knowledge would be