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17 occupational soldiers apparently taken by Mahdi Army

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posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 08:25 AM
Not quite sure the authenticity of this report, but it would be interesting if anyone could find some other sources, anyway they below is a translation I believe of the site below:

Just reported from Alwasatonline reporter in Basra, Mahdi Army managed to arrest 17 American soldiers, and seizes 7 hammer military vehicles, because of these developments the Iraqi government offered to negotiates with MA but Muqtada Al-Sadr refused any negotiations, also 250 Iraqi soldiers gave themselves up to Mahdi Army.

Key bridge, connecting Basra city to Al-Kurnah is destroyed by Mahdi Army.

Sotaliraq reported that

If anyone can translate?

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

ذكر مراسل الوسط في البصرة ان مليشيا جيش المهدي أسرت 17 جنديا امريكيا في البصرة، كما انها تقوم بمحاصرة سبع عربات من نوع همر

وقد طلبت الحكومة الدخول في مفاوضات مع مليشيا جيش المهدي نتيجة هذه التطورات الميدانية، لكن مقتدى الصدر اعلن رفضه التفاوض

< السابق التالي >

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 08:26 AM
I say, if the geneva convention doesnt apply to resistance fighters, it should neither apply to occupational forces of an aggresive nation.

Eye for an Eye.

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by Agit8dChop
I say, if the geneva convention doesnt apply to resistance fighters, it should neither apply to occupational forces of an aggresive nation.

Eye for an Eye.

Since when has it applied to captured US troops? They never have followed the Geneva Conventions since Day One going back to the First Gulf War.

Capture, torture, execute, repeat.

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