posted on Mar, 31 2013 @ 01:43 PM
Final channelings: Homeland Security and the Formula of Compassion
This article is the final installation of a 3-part series on the 9D Perspective that began with Election 2004 and Beyond, followed by President Bush
and the Formula of Compassion. Its purpose, as with the previous two installments, is to provide a higher perspective on a person or thing that is
significantly impacting our country and the world at large.
Two years ago to the day, I awoke from a dream in which I was shown the rise of a 4th Reich. I wrote about that dream in the article, Timeline 2003:
A Message from Sanat Kumara. Looking back I see that it was a message telling us what our future could hold if we didn’t start looking for a more
evolved means of solving our problems. It’s two years later and that dream has begun to manifest. The Nazi regime I saw in the dream, enforced
through Hitler’s military police force, the Gestapo, has now manifested as the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
The emphasis of this “Formula” article is to share a higher perspective on the Department of Homeland Security. In doing so, it is hoped that we
can by individually releasing it from playing its role, collectively remove the need for it to continue as part of our reality. But before I begin, I
will once again, establish a few basic higher dimensional concepts so that you, the reader, will understand the beliefs behind this perspective. I
also encourage you to read the first installment in its entirety to fully grasp the meaning of this article.
The Higher Perspective
If we can step back and observe our world from a higher perspective, we will see that all these events, a policed election, the loss of our rights,
and HAARP, are all part of a greater plan at work. We are at the end of a grand cycle of evolution where we must make a choice. We either move up to
the next level through ascending our consciousness and our planet, or face destruction. It’s at this point that things really heat up. It’s all
part of the process of ascension and we, the people, are the co-creators. Through our choices, individually and collectively we bring forth increased
amounts of Light, but, at the same time create more potent manifestations of the Dark. Now why would we want to increase the Dark on our world?
That’s where most of us have missed the boat. We have been taught that the Dark is bad and has no value but from the Higher Perspective, it does.
We create the Dark manifestations in order to act as a catalyst to keep us moving forward. We learn through the pain, pain is the great teacher; it
shows us what we want by experiencing the consequences of what we don’t want. Once we understand this universal principle, a principle of
compassion, we can begin to change the reality that we now see.
The higher perspective is the process of looking at events from a more integrated, thus accepting view. It is the “God” view, if you will, where
polarity does not exist; all things are seen as aspects of creation and thus are neither good nor bad. Moreover they exist (we create them) as part
of our learning experience. From the higher perspective, we, creator gods and goddesses, create our realities in order to learn more about ourselves
and to grow into more evolved beings.
The Inner Technology
Whether we are aware of it or not, we all create our own reality. Until recently we had no way to fully understand this concept, we didn’t
understand the mechanics behind how we create. It occurs through what has become known as our Inner Technology. It has been discovered that the
heart has its own neural network. This neural net interfaces with our reality, i.e., the morphogenetic field or mass consciousness. The
morphogenetic field acts as a reflector or mirror that shows us what we think and feel. Quantum physicists have discovered that this neural network,
rather than the one in the brain, is the real controlling factor in influencing the morphogenetic field. In other words, the brain controls the
thoughts but it is those feelings in our heart that are reflected in the mirror. Thus, what we feel in our hearts, our true intentions and motives,
are reflected through the reality that we see. Hence the sayings, we are what we think, and we create our own reality.
The Inner Child Relationship
What exactly do we see in the mirror in regards to our relationships with others including those with things and organization, in essence all
creation? It is our relationship with our ourselves, known by many as the relationship with our Inner Child. Others will reflect back to us, through
their treatment of us, exactly how we treat our Inner Child.