posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 02:50 PM
Here are some of my petty theories, i thought i would voice them. They may sound very rediculous, but they are on my mind, and this seems like a place
to post them.
My Conpiracy Theory Questions...
-Could the goverment be kidnapping american citizens and brainwashing them to join their staff?
-Could drugs, television and our health be the big plot behind brainwashing?
-If 9/11 was indeed false info, where did the plane passengers go? Where they hand selected?
-In order to get to the younger generations, are there brainwashing teqniques in cartoons and younger shows?
- If under different conditions, could humans live longer?
-Humans need water to live. Is there more in our water than we think? Could this determine how we live?
-Does using microwaves keep humans from living up to a certain age? Everyone uses microwaves.
- At night, when the world falls asleep, does a lot happen undercover that we dont know about?
- Are the stars above really balls of gas?
- Is Osama really hidding? Or is he part of a big plan?
- How powerfull really is our goverment?
-If technology is taken away, the people we fear arent that much different from us
- Why dont we fight back? Why doesnt anyone want to fight back?