posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 11:32 AM
The Hibaru, (hebrews) were a semi nomadic tribe of sumerian origin.
They were a tribe that specialized in 2 things stone cutting and fighting, they were mercinaries. They were the fighting gypsies of the old middle
They would travel around and hire out there services to the kings of a nearby city state or cheifs of a tribe to build things or guard trading posts
or important trade centers.
They worshipped 2 main dieties yeawah and baal among many others in the sumerian pantheon.
At one point they ran afoul of the king of one of the city states and left sumeria to travel to better sales areas.
They made contact with the egyptians, while in caanan ,near an important border town for the egyptians.
They were well know in all of the kingdoms around sumeria, and are mentioned by name in the texts of many area cultures, for their skills at fighting
and building.
They were hired to guard and administrate this important entry point into eqypt. They were also hired to oversee the building of the projects of the
pharoa, at the time.
They became an integrated part of egyptian society, filling key positions in egyptian society, vissiers, priests, generals and engineers.
Joseph was a high preist of the god of the sun disk, aten, who along with Ra and Horus, were a composite diety. Aten was thought of as the power of
the spirit of light, and Horus as the father of the gods, and Ra the sun.
Does that not sound familiar, a holy trinity composed of the father, the son, or is it the sun? and the holy spirit.
Moses was a general in pharoa's army, and by that time the hibaru had figured that they were who really controlled trade into egypt, from the east,
so they began to take a larger and larger percentage of the trade as a fee for their services.
They had replaced egyptians in the border towns and garisons, and really flexed thier economic muscles.
The current pharoa didnt think he needed their services any more and termiated the business relation ship and asked them to leave.
The hibaru were forced from the cities that had become their home over the last 500ish years, and fled to the hibaru populated border towns.
But they did not leave, they stayed, but pharoa insisted that they leave.
They aregued that they had no supplies or provisions for a trek across the desert. So pharoa agreed that they could take what they "needed" from the
government stores.
Moses tried to get the people to get the needed supplies and leave with him, but they went on a looting rampage instead.
They looted the towns along the border of everything they could carry, they looted shops and storehouses and temples.
When they looted the pharoas gold stores, the pharoa decided military action was needed to make them leave.
When the rampage had subsided moses was able to convince the people they needed to leave before pharoa's army arrived, and led them into the
As was customary in the egyptian army, moses led the huge group of displaced hibaru into the wilderness, with a large brazier on a pole, a sort of
flaming standard.
The egyptians would use the brazier to send signals between units on the batte field.
At one point when the pharoas amry was at it nearest, they could see the glowing brazier as moses led the hibaru in what seemed a wayward path.
But in reality moses had led the hibaru and the army into an area where the winds were know to blow fiercley at times, on a night with no moon.
They egyptian scouts had gotten close enough they could hear the hibaru camp, the plan was to raid teh camps in the predawn hrs. Then the wind came
up, and blew out the brazier. The hibaru then built a huge bonfire that burned fiercely in the wind, and could be seen for miles.
The egyptian general used the wind as cover to move his army near in the night keeping their eyes fixed on the glowing bonfire.
When they got close enough they waited in the howling wind and darkness.
When the time came they rushed the camps to find them empty. The hibaru had slipped out in the night. While the egyptians had lost thier night
vision watching the glowing bonfire, and couldnt see the ghostly figures slipping away all night. the last leave were the men who had kept the fire
burning brightly.
Pharoa was livid that they had escaped with his treasure, so he headed out with to take command of the chase and get his gold back.
He finaly caught up with them as they were approaching the river jordan.
They crossed at a known ford a few miles from the coast, with the red sea. The river at that time of year was but a trickle only a few inches deep.
But it was at the head of a tidal marsh and moses timed his crossing with the low tide, and when pharoas army was just a few units into crossing the
river the tide came up.
And the water was now 3-4 feet deep, crossable for the scouts but not for the chariots or heavy infantry. In his haste and rage pharoa ordered his
chariots to cross and they quikcly became stuck in the mud.
And moses escaped.