posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 04:40 PM
I thought you had to be crazy in the first place, to want to teach kids. Many mental illnesses are temporary - like the Mr. Illingworth in the
article, who left from workplace stress. He could be better now.
I am not with the people who spread the word that a mental illness makes killers and rapists. I believe that most of the real dangerous crazies that
do that, they never get diagnosed. It's a pain when there is prejudice based on a diagnosis. If one doesn't go around saying the prejudice that
all people with AIDS are gay, so don't go around and say that all people with a mental illness are dangerous and criminals. Mental crime is a step
away from thoughtcrime, and when you have bought into the idea that mentally ill people are criminals, you are already loving Big Brother.
Letters have been sent, meaning they are inviting, but there is still the acceptance process. There is still the job qualification process. I
seriously doubt they will hire the pedophiles, on the grounds of conflict of interest. And with the way the UK is going with surveillance, there
should be cameras in the classrooms soon, so Mr. Mental Illness will be watched.