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Cancer, Social Security and Depopulation

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posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 09:00 AM
I have no links, research or numbers just my anger and personal experience.
I am wondering if this depopulation event that is talked about so much on ATS is already in action and has been for a while.
I am wondering if the social security disaster is being "taken" care of by controlling the numbers of people who will actually reach retirement.
I am wondering if CANCER is the super flu/depopulation event we all talk of.
Like I said I have no statistics or numbers but everyone I know has been affected by cancer in some form or another, everyone I know knows someone with cancer and in most cases it is a family member and lately it seems that more and more people know more than 1 person suffering with cancer and in some cases more than a handful.
It seems to me that more and more people are being diagnosed with this horrible disease and in my personal experience it has been over the age of 55.
My dad has stage 4 renal cancer he was 59 when diagnosed, he is in his final days of this life. If this horrible, horrible disease had not hit so close to home I probably would not have seen the mass numbers but everyone I speak to, everyone I mention it to says
"I am so sorry, my father/mother/sister/brother/aunt/uncle/best friend/cousin/etc. has (or has died from) cancer."
It seems to be afflicting more and more at that 55 year mark, I believe in the next 10 years or so we will see our average life spans drop significantly (solves that social security dilemma huh?)
I am angry that so many are suffering and dieing from this piece of crap disease and with all of our technology and advances we have yet to find a cure.
I am also of the belief, at times, that this is an orchestrated plan.
How convenient to have a disease that wipes us out when we are the least useful and the biggest burden to society.
I know there are many that are diagnosed with cancer under the age of 55 and I am by no means taking away from their pain I am just seeing a growing trend of fatal/stage 4 cancers being diagnosed in the baby boomers population.
Many will say that we bring Cancer on ourselves by the life styles we lead and I absolutely believe that to be true BUT look at what our own FDA regulates,says is safe and good for us and look at what they do not regulate or deem to be bad. Look at the foods our own government subsidize and the foods they don't. Look at how Big Pharma is lining theirs and our governments pockets but our social security program is in the toilet and our insurance premiums are on the rise.
My dad takes many prescriptions for cancer, a 1 month supply of 1 of the many drugs has a hefty price tag of $8000. $8000 for a 30 day supply, wtf? and these drugs are just for maintaining not curing, in the end my dad will die from cancer, a horrible slow painful death long before he even hits retirement age.
For every 100 year old, 2 60 year olds can die and the average life span is still 73 years. Cancer did not/does not seem to be affecting the generation before baby boomers as it is affecting baby boomers, is this what we can expect? to live to a ripe old age of 55 now.
Sorry for my ramble. I am angry and the more I hear from others about how cancer has grabbed another I get angrier. As much as it pains me to think, is cancer the answer to over population and social security, is this the plan? If not where is the cure?

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by SEEWHATUDO
I have no links, research or numbers just my anger and personal experience... As much as it pains me to think, is cancer the answer to over population and social security, is this the plan? If not where is the cure?

I can understand both your pain and your grief over this issue. Personally, I think that what we see as an epidemic is what results from a mixture of environmental factors (think chemicals, electromagnetic radiation, etc), an increased awareness of others based upon a larger community linked by the internet, and finally, this large cohort of boomers hitting middle age at the same time. But...cancer is starting to be caught sooner, therefore it is less of a death sentence. Further...there are some cures, but they are all contingent upon early detection.

Still...cancer sux!

posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 09:24 AM
I too feel your anguish and pain of having to watch a loved one die.

I also think you answered your own questions. Baby boomers are all around the same age and their numbers are high (hence boom in births). So you will see a more frequent occurrence of diseases just because of the numbers.

This doesn't take away from what is happening but it may ease your mind a bit about your own mortality.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 07:23 AM
I might be a bit paranoid since it has hit so close to home but look at these numbers...

WASHINGTON - The trustees of Social Security and Medicare are certain to kick off a fierce round of debate when they release their annual assessment of the fiscal health of the government's two biggest benefit programs.
The battle will be waged not only between the Democratic-controlled Congress and President Bush but also in this year's presidential campaign, where the issue is expected to attract a lot of attention in light of the looming retirement of 78 million baby boomers.


Just makes you think

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 08:54 AM
I firmly believe the op has the answer he/she was looking for in his/her post. "maintaining" that is the key word for me, I've always said that big pharma, makes billions "maintaining" disease, how much would they make curing disease?

With all the technological advances made since the 60's, why haven't there been any new cures since then? "maintaining" is more profitable.

The greed of today's society is appalling to say the least.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by saturnsrings With all the technological advances made since the 60's, why haven't there been any new cures since then? "maintaining" is more profitable.

Two, cancer is tough to kill without killing the host. Two, there have been advances in treatment. Just no one single magic bullet as yet.

There is some crazy gene therapy going on now that is seeking the on/off switch for uncontrolled growth...and it looks promising. Probably our best bet right now.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

Sounds promising
I hope they hurry up because I honestly believe the meds that may be keeping my dad alive are killing him slowly and with the most horrible side effects.

How many who read this know or know of someone who has cancer or has died from cancer?
In the past 4 years it seems that family members (extended and immediate), friends and acquaintances have had a surge of diagnoses, all are in that 55-60 range. For the most part my family never had a history of disease or early death, when I would fill out history forms at the Dr. there was never much to fill out, now I have pages of history. My dad's dad and mom smoked 3 packs a day for 60 years and died in their 80's of old age, my mom's mom has been extremely OBESE for 50 years and is still alive and kicking with a very healthy heart, my mom's dad is 81 years old and is hard of hearing but that's about it BUT the baby boomers generation in my family are being diagnosed with cancer at an overwhelming rate.
Anyone else see this trend?

[edit on 25-3-2008 by SEEWHATUDO]

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 09:31 AM
The FDA's cancer-prevention list is actually a list that ensures that you do get cancer.

They tell you to stay out of the sun because it causes skin cancer (when in actuality, daily sunlight prevents over 75% of all cancers) and to wear an SPF 30 sunblock every day (sunblock contains cancer-causing chemicals).

Cancer is preventable and it's cureable but they do not want us to know that.

They can actually continue this scam of not being able to find a cure because the big secret is that cancer is caused by a combination of dangerous toxic chemicals that we are exposed to in everything we eat and everything we touch. They can't say "laundry detergent causes cancer" and then ban laundry detergent and be done with it. The truth is that it's the combined chemicals in laundry detergent, and dish detergent, and household cleaning supplies, and bath soap, and shampoo, and lotions, and deodorant, and makeup, and perfumes, and toothpaste, and bottled beverages, and processed foods, etc.

So in order to really prevent cancer, you need to step away from using mainstream products altogether, eat organic foods and get some sun everyday. You won't find that little recommendation coming from the FDA because no one would have cancer.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by annestacey
The FDA's cancer-prevention list is actually a list that ensures that you do get cancer.

They tell you to stay out of the sun because it causes skin cancer (when in actuality, daily sunlight prevents over 75% of all cancers)

Cancer is preventable and it's cureable but they do not want us to know that.

I agree that the apparent increase cancer likely has environmental causes, but when you say that the sun prevents cancers, you aren't taking into account that today's sunshine isn't what it used to be because of the depletion of the ozone layer. It's just not that simple.

And cancer is curable...sometimes. Sometimes it just plain isn't and to insist otherwise is doing a disservice to those who have lost loved ones to cancer as well as those who are suffering from it. And that's a lot of people.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by annestacey

annestacy I read and search for your posts because I agree with everything (for the most part) that you have to say and your recommendations for products, food and supplements.

Your post about the FDA backs up my theorys because it's all about greed whether it's the corporations taking that last buck or big pharma "maintaining" or social security is broke or overpopulation. It is all about that worthless $$$.
So what happened to the baby boomers? and what will happen with the rest of us?
The FDA and Big Pharma did not have the strangle hold on our grandparents, is that why they are dieing from old age and not debilitating horrible diseases?
Everywhere we turn, everything we breath is causing our premature deaths and the FDA has "approved" all of it. Those of us who wish to live healthy, long lives have to have substantial wealth in order to purchase "the good stuff" otherwise we are stuck with twinkies and baloney (which is the American way right?)
Grow your own veggies (but test your soil first) do not use pesticides or herbicides no matter how safe they say they are, use vinegar to clean, drink H2O (well do some research, depending on where you live H2O may kill you too)
but the more you dive into this conspiracy the more you will realize that there is no hiding from what the FDA and our Government is doing unless you live in a bubble in the Garden of Eden you will be affected by some cancer causing something or other that the FDA/Big Pharma/Corporate America and our own government has "approved" fit for you.

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by SEEWHATUDO
reply to post by annestacey

So what happened to the baby boomers? and what will happen with the rest of us?
The FDA and Big Pharma did not have the strangle hold on our grandparents, is that why they are dieing from old age and not debilitating horrible diseases?

They started placing chemicals into mainstream products several decades ago (when "convenience" products were introduced). About every 10 years or so, the chemicals have been increased. So our grandparents were introduced to some chemicals, then their children were introduced to more chemicals (on top of the chemical burden inherited from the mother at birth). It's been an increasing cycle of chemicals for the last hundred or so years. Do a google search on "the hundred year lie".

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 10:07 PM
I believe you are correct, I'm not discounting environmental effects but there is a long history to this and the connection to bio weapons development.

Millions of Russians and Americans were given SV40 the cancer virus through polio vaccinations in the 50's and 60's.
Want to know the truth about the African greens and Aids?
Interesting to note who actually supplied the monkeys used for vaccine development, The same bio weapons manufacturer connected with the National Cancer Institute?

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by SEEWHATUDO

You have all my empathy, SWUD. As an 18 year old, I watched my father go from 225 pounds of 6' 4" military veteran bad ass to a 110 lbs of weeping, hopeless, pain ravaged mess that I would carry from the bed to the couch and back. There was no need for him to be in such pain, except that my older brother would steal his medication to get high on, and replace it with BS. I also watched his doctor choose surgery for him so that he could make as much money as possible, though there were many other options available. After the surgery, the cancer spread over him like mold on cheese, and he literally was covered with tumors. Is it any wonder that I have to believe in Devine justice?

I believe that there are many factors in the Cancer epidemic. Chemicals in processed food, pesticides on veggies, all kinds of crap injected into food animals, artificial fertilizers, it all adds up to a toxic soup of which cancer might be only the first result. We need to be very careful in all things these days.

edit for sp

[edit on 25-3-2008 by resistor]

posted on Mar, 25 2008 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by resistor

resistor... your story touches my heart. I'm so sorry that your father went through such a transformation and I'm sure it was so hard for you and your family to witness.

There are SO many things that cause cancer. You have to be so diligent and aware of the world around you and do everything you can to avoid it. I have made it a practice to never walk around my home in my street shoes. All shoes come off at the door... otherwise they track oil, gasoline, radiator fluids and all of the other crap from streets and parking lots right into your home. I remember before I adopted this rule that my white socks would turn black on the bottom from just walking around my apartment. Now that doesn't happen anymore and I feel that I've eliminated yet another cause of cancer from my life.

I also make a big effort to keep my dog from walking on asphalt because the chemicals absorb into their bodies right from the pads of their feet causing cancers and carcinomas resulting in early death of the pet.

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 05:22 AM
Great ideas annestacey, TXH. I'm convinced that a strong, healthy immune system is at least as important as avoiding the toxins. In with the good, out with the bad.

posted on Mar, 26 2008 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by resistor
Great ideas annestacey, TXH. I'm convinced that a strong, healthy immune system is at least as important as avoiding the toxins. In with the good, out with the bad.

Absolutely. The way to build the immune system is to eat healthy organic fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds and whole grains. Not the processed crap with the false labeling that makes people "think" they're eating healthy when they're not.

Building the immune system will help to naturally fight illness and disease. And one other thing... nascent iodine can be used instead of antibiotics. It's completely safe and doesn't cause resistence to occur.

posted on Mar, 27 2008 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by annestacey And one other thing... nascent iodine can be used instead of antibiotics. It's completely safe and doesn't cause resistence to occur.

I wasn't aware of that. Could you share some of the research with us?


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