posted on Mar, 24 2008 @ 12:41 AM
I agree... it's all a matter of perspective, and I think in general "the other guy" or "the other country" is always the terrorist and the bad
America has been very violent in its past. Many now consider America to be the "Roman Empire" of modern times. And since we are so powerful, and
since it is OUR media and OUR officials telling the story, we are the good guys and everyone we fight is a terrorist. But I think dropping bombs on
neighborhoods is pretty terrorizing, eh?
It is so difficult to know what is really going on in the world, with conflicting reports. The Tibet & China situation is a prime example... which
reports do we believe?
All I know is that if another country came to American soil with violent/military intentions, I'd get my guns and fight to the death. So I can
sympathize with certain groups of Iraqis. America is INVADING Iraq. If a country INVADED America, you better bet I'd be shooting back, planting
bombs to destroy their military forces. And I'd be labeled a terrorist by their government and media.
It's all chicken and the egg, and I don't know if anyone REALLY knows for sure who started it... all we know is that the fire is still being stoked,
all in the name of money and power.