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UFO over a volcano?

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posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 10:50 PM
This video shows what appears to be intelligently moving craft over a volcano. Has this been debunked already? It was posted on January 23. The object moves into and out of clouds and it's movement is definitely something mainstream aviation can't accomplish. Also, the cloud shows light where the object would be "inside".

(Imbedding has been disabled, so I have provided a link)

Let the bashing begin.

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 11:01 PM
The man is apparently videotaping the volcanic eruption. The object appears in the top, left of center, descending into the cloud at approximately a 45 degree angle, toward the left. Two lights appear in the cloud, moving in the same direction as the object entered.

The object reappears coming out of the cloud moving right, toward the volcano. One man calls out, it seems he's calling to friends, perhaps. Another man speaks in another language, I don't know what he says.

The object moves to above the volcano, and stops momentarily before changing direction 90 degrees and moving into another cloud along the right side of the volcano. The thing I find interesting is that the object stops momentarily, but the clouds do not. That could mean the object was added later, I suppose.

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 11:53 PM
Well it's certainly a UFO to us, but I'm wondering what the guy who made the video saw?

I've been to a few erupting volcano's and one thing I have noticed is that there are often News & government/military/geologist helicopters hovering near them and sometimes even picking up or dropping instruments into them.

Likely it is just that a helicopter, but I suppose if someone was visiting from somewhere else they might just want to study a volcano as well. ET or chopper one will never know without the camera man talking.

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 11:56 PM
It looks like it was added later, to me. The lighting on the object just doesn't look right, for whatever reason, and the motion doesn't seem right, especially when it stops and then takes off again. That's just my opinion, obviously, but it doesn't strike me as that interesting.

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 12:18 AM
Note that lightning-balls are seen near active volcanoes in some cases - maybe this could be one?

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by verylowfrequency
Well it's certainly a UFO to us, but I'm wondering what the guy who made the video saw?

Lol, true enough. Though he did seem to react in a manner that suggested he saw something that intrigued or surprised him. Yes, it could have been a helicopter, but IMO a strange reaction for a common cause. Could it be that he simply did not expect to see a helicopter? Of course you are correct, we may never know.

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by Neiby
It looks like it was added later, to me. The lighting on the object just doesn't look right, for whatever reason, and the motion doesn't seem right, especially when it stops and then takes off again. That's just my opinion, obviously, but it doesn't strike me as that interesting.

I didn't notice odd lighting. However, the motion is what attracted my attention. But I agree, very possibly added later.

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by Karras
Note that lightning-balls are seen near active volcanoes in some cases - maybe this could be one?
Thank you, I wasn't sure about lightening balls. Does it seem to be strange maneuvers for lightening balls or do they move in a similar manner?

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by Karras
Note that lightning-balls are seen near active volcanoes in some cases - maybe this could be one?

Nice call Karras - I hadn't considered that. I've only seen a few lightning balls in weather video. I do remember seeing lightning in the ash plume during the Mt. St. Helen's eruptions back in the 80's in Washington, but I don't recall ever seeing the ball type there.

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 03:15 PM
I made a thread about this one time ago

We often see UFO videos where there's no movement at all, or too blurry, or just a light in the night. But this one, if real, of course, defies any logical explanation. THERE'S NOTHING in nature that can move that way... and if it's our... well, I think somebody is lying to all us badly.

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by JackHill

My apologies, I didn't mean to tread on your thread. I did search for UFO + volcano and didn't see this.

Looks like you got shot down pretty quick. Don't feel bad, it shoots me down before I even arrived on the scene, and I didn't even realize it. Seems it will take far more convincing evidence than this to bring a discussion, so off I go to find some! Hope I do better this time.

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