According to the calculation, at the speed of light, when time is zero, time stood still, however, if an object manages to travel faster than the
speed of light at twice the speed, time goes backwards as indicated by the negative value. Imagine a car which slows down to a stop. You can’t slow
it down anymore. However, the car can go in reverse to go back where it started.
If an object were to come back to precisely where it started, you will see twin objects. Let’s call these two, Twin A and Twin B, where Twin A is
the original, and Twin B is the time traveler, who was Twin A.
Now, Twin B decided to stay. However, Twin A, the original must travel at the correct timing without disturbances. While Twin A is traveling at 2x the
speed of light to come back where it started, we will now see 3 of them. Let us call this Twin A, Twin C the time traveler. You now have,
Twin A, the original,
Twin B, the time traveler, and
Twin C who was twin A, the time traveler.
Now, Twin A, the original must travel at the correct timing without disturbances. While Twin A is traveling at 2x the speed of light to come back
where it started, we will see 4 of them. Let us call this Twin A, Twin D the time traveler. You now have
Twin A, the original,
Twin B, the time traveler,
Twin C, the time traveler, and
Twin D, who was Twin A, the time traveler.
All of them watched Twin A moving instantly at 2x the speed of light and all of them watched themselves multiplying at infinity instantly at the same
time frame. It can only stop if Twin A decides to stop, but it is impossible to stop Twin A the original because there will not be enough time to stop
Twin A from moving forward. He is not even aware of it till he comes back to where he started.
All it takes is for Twin A the original to travel 2x the speed of light, come back precisely and accurately to the zillionth of a second at the time
Twin A the original, traveled. There won’t be enough time to relay the information to it. Twin A will not be even aware at all of all of his
duplicates until he comes back to where it started. In this scenario, it will go for infinity.
[edit on 3/22/2008 by amitheone]