posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 02:23 AM
I'm wondering how people feel about defending your castle. There are a lot of situations that can come up when you least expect it, which lead to
many possible reactions.
For example, a story my wife told me from when she was a child that happened in their home in Ohio. A man who had been stabbed wandered onto their
land and into their home. Walked right into the kitchen, bleeding and clutching the wound. Freaky thing to have happen to you, whether you're a
child or an adult. I believe her father escorted the man outside and called the police. She didn't say if they rendered any other aid.
In many states, not sure in OH, you are within your rights to shoot to kill. Someone strange is in your home, you have to assume they're not there
to do any good.
Someone can break in, intending to rob your house in the middle of the night. They may be armed, they may not be. They may have intent to harm, they
may not.
Someone could be being chased by a killer and come into your house to escape. They could be being chased by the police and do the same.
I guess the point is, you can never really be sure what someone is doing in your home. You don't know motive, intent, or ability. So the question
is, how do you feel about absolute defense of your home, that is, shoot to kill and ask questions never?
Can you really afford to hesitate, to use non-lethal force, or even do nothing when your loved ones are at stake?
I debate myself over this on occasion and I usually come to the conclusion that I would only do my best within the situation to figure out if the
intruder is actually a family member, but in the case I know it can't be (I live 1000 miles from any other family than my wife), I wouldn't hesitate
to use lethal force on someone who is not trying to declare themselves.