This is a thread that will bring up many subjects and topics. All pertaining to the basis of this thread; overpopulation, its cause and the problems
that result from it.
I am hopeful that this opinion will anger a lot of people because, I am curious to see if it will make people think about the future.
How can people who have three or more children (or even two) in this day and age say that they care about them? They, in my opinion, are not giving a
($#!t) thought about their offspring's future. Now I hear you parents out there saying, "What is this guy talking about? We invest in their future
by saving money so that they can be financially secure. They will be emotionally secure because of their siblings that they will have to help them
through-out the tough times and be a support for them for the rest of their lives."
That is all true. Can you honestly say that you have thought it through for their societal future? We have a worldwide society of over six thousand
million at last count and growing. We have decreasing land space for natural wildlife which is caused by for the housing needs of that population. We
have people starving because, the agricultural and other food supplies in that area are not enough a large population's demands ( which is an amusing
irony considering the stories of farmers in other areas who sometimes have to throw produce away due to the lack of demand.) We have an increase in
the individual competition for survival. We even have groups of people who still act like barbarians by arguing over whose god is stronger and which
is the best way to worship it.
For each child past the first, you are increasing the competition that that person they grow into will have to face for a job, housing, food, a
purpose in life and even the right to reproduce themselves.
So, after all that, the question I am asking is this, "When you have a large family, are you thinking about and planning for the future that your
offspring will have to grow up in or are you following aeons of animal instinct by making sure that you are genetically immortal in a larger breeding
For the parents who have 2 or more kids now, I must apologize. It was not meant that I think that you should be ashamed or feel guilty about them.
This is more for the people who are thinking about having 2 or more kids in the future.
It will anger you (who wants more kids) and force you to think hard about winning arguments against what I have an opinion about. Hopefully it will
anger you enough to think about what I am saying.
So my title question is going to be expanded into two:
Do you really care about your future offspring's societal future?
Will human beings notice all the problems that Nature's examples of overpopulation have and learn from them?