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If planes didn't hit...

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posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 01:37 PM
I believe that the towers were hit by planes

But what about the Pentagon? I see tons of people saying a plane couldn't fit in that hole, it had to be a missle, etc. If that's the case, then where are all the passengers from the flight that hit the Pentagon?

And the PA crash? Lots of people say the scar is too small to be from a plane. Well if it wasnt flight 93, then A. What was it? and B. Where are the passengers?

[edit on 18-3-2008 by psh1234]

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 06:27 PM
Over 50 views and 0 replies. I didn't think anyone would have a good explanation for this.

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 06:33 PM
Probably because it has been discussed thousands of times on here......but hey there is no harm in touching back on it.....

The real answer is none of us know. If we did, then we wouldnt be discussing theories.

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by Jeff Riff
Probably because it has been discussed thousands of times on here......but hey there is no harm in touching back on it.....

The real answer is none of us know. If we did, then we wouldnt be discussing theories.

Guess I should've re-phrased it. I'm not trying to bust anyone's chops, just trying to understand how people think that. I mean it first I was all into the conspiracies, but this really tripped me up. If a missle hit the pentagon, and NOT a plane, then what happened to all of the passengers on the flight? Can someone who buys into the missle theory enlighten me?

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by psh1234

Umm, I'll bite, even at the risk of seeming that I am not remorseful for the loss of life, which I most definetly am. I venture to say the "Pentagon" plane was overflown out into the Atlantic Ocean where it was then crashed, sunk, cleaned-up, and covered up. As for the Shanksville plane, I think it was a plane, but that it did not crash as certain made for television movies would have you believe but was actually shot down (thanks Rummy) which would explain the 8 mile long trail of debris. You asked, remember that these are only my personal beliefs based on my own independent research and study.

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 01:03 PM
percievedreality I think u are probably very close. But i dont think it was a missle , I think it was and unmaned aircraft filled to the hilt with exlosives or the like.But i do believe our millitary stoped both of those planes. But didnt stop the Tower planes ,silerstien needed that, the joint chiefs needed to test the petagons new wall capabilites.And the NWO needed all of it just my 2 cents ,I have alot more cents to add but ill end up rabbling thoughts while I type . I have a bad bad habbit of Digression

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by psh1234


Jeff Riff is right. You haven’t got a lot of responses because this subject has been discussed SO OFTEN.

Still, as a hardcore no-planer I can’t resist giving you an answer. None of the four 9-11 flights ever existed in reality. They were never recorded in the FAA logs as takeoffs.

And if they weren’t real, then your question about the whereabouts of the passengers becomes somewhat redundant. I say somewhat, because those names on those bogus flight manifests which did belong to real people might leave a trail to the 9-11 cabal. Whoever allowed their name to be ‘used’ are either complicit in the 9-11 operation, or are being strong-armed into keeping their mouths shut (that they are still alive and well).

The Wizard In The Woods

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 02:36 PM

actualy sound very easy to fit that in to the whole agenda also nice thoughts

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 02:47 PM
The holograms were used in the towers because the pilots were lost and couldn't find two really tall buildings. Holograms was plan B.

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