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Genetically Engineered Food Labeling

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posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 12:52 PM
In an article I just read, Genetically Engineered Food Labeling I found the FDA still has not required Corporations to label food as genetically modified.

The movie The Future of Food mentions Monsanto and how they are spreading sickness amongst the people.

Currently, the FDA does not require growers, food manufacturers, or seed sellers to label their products as genetically engineered. It is a purely voluntary system for which, as you can imagine, there have been few takers. Agribusiness corporations know from public opinion polls that demand for genetically engineered food is low and that demand for labels is high. Labeling could translate into commercial failure for genetically engineered foods - precisely the reason that biotechnology companies and agribusiness giants are trying to keep labels off their genetically engineered food products.

The Corporations are only worried about their profit decreasing, not about our safety. This seems to be pretty typical across all businesses.

Because of horizontal gene transfer, organic fields can become contaminated by genetically engineered pollen from nearby fields. Such contamination can occur via the wind, from pollen stuck to bees, or even when neighbor farmers share equipment. Because of this contamination, even a farmer who uses organic seed and follows organic standards perfectly can still be unwittingly growing and selling genetically modified crops. Only expensive, sophisticated tests can reveal the contaminant DNA.

There was a case in "The Future of Food" where a GMO version of canola spread onto a farmer's land and he was forced to pay Monsanto even though he never planted the crop.

Monsanto charges a fee for each crop you grow and there hasn't been a noticed increase in yield, despite what the Agrobusiness industry will say. Its a scam.

Food producers often use soybeans or corn from many different sources and growers. In the United States, genetically engineered crops have not been segregated from normal crops, and therefore many food producers cannot tell consumers or grocery stores if their product contains genetically engineered ingredients.

There is no visible difference between genetically modified garbage and organic/conventional foods. The GMO food has less nutrients in general, but that isn't noticeable till after one has consumed it for a long time.

We are eating bacteria and viruses that were willingly put into the DNA of these food sources, hence the term "genetically modified."

I personally am more interested in natural foods than something a company thinks is a good way to profit.

Its sad even organic foods can be contaminated:

Eating organically grown foods is currently the best way to avoid genfood. This option is not foolproof, however: Even organic growers and backyard gardeners can be duped into buying genetically engineered seeds because many seed packages are not well labeled either. In fact, in Monsanto's current New Leaf Product Guide and Seed directory, the term "genetically engineered" never appears. Farmers unfamiliar with genetic engineering may not even realize what they are buying, growing, or putting on supermarket shelves.

Again, there's no visible difference between GMO and non-GMO foods.

Only time will tell.

Here's a few threads and links that explain why GMO is not a great source of food:

The REAL Reasons You Want to Avoid Genetically Modified Foods

Genetically Modified (GM) Corn is Toxic To Humans

France bans GM crops

Food for Thought

GM or Not GM?

50 harmful effects of GMO foods

GMO harmful

Exposing Industry and Government Deception About the Safety of the Genetically Engineered Foods You’re Eating

Potential Health Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods

Enjoy your GMO foods!

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 06:46 PM
It becomes scarier and scarier. Which explains why the organic market is the fastest growing food sector.

But even "organic" is succumbing to industrialization. Ever vigilant we must be.

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