posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 09:41 AM
To be honest, I am not sure how other countries can actually help the US.
What i do find funny is how the blame is being passed around so much that its actually getting hard to pin the blame on the truth. So from the way i
see it, it's really pretty simple.
There was a time when the USA was based on pride. What i mean by that is that there was a quality of craftmanship prettymuch unriveled in what was
manufactured in the US ( side note to prove my point, my father worked and retired from Alisons. i remimber him showing me the article about the
soviet union sending the president of the united states what they claimed was the worlds smallest drillbit as a gift. this bit was given to allisions
who inspected it, then bored a hole in the center of the "smallest drill bit" and gave it back to the president, who sent it back to the soviet
union.). that was a time when The economy was doing great, import and export was doing great.
Now the united states is based on the almighty dollar, there is no pride in our work, there is barley any export, However there is still loads of
Now who to blame? lets see,
1: unions have priced their services so high that they have started a vicious circle. ( unions need more money, wich causes goods to go up, wich
causes people to need more money, wich means unions need more money to give their people).
2: our political system is a joke and is based on corruption, its apperant that lobbyists run the hill and control the politics. As long as lobyists
are in control of the hill, i think its a joke to say that an american citizen actually has any rights. because we really dont. More americans better
wake the hell up and realize that. Only then can we change it.
3: Outsourcing has started taking its toll on industry also. its cheaper to farm out to foreign countries than build or service it in america, HMMM,
thanks to large corperate greed who prefers to spit on the people who made them want they are. personally if we boycott these companies it would show
them but again nobody will.
4: Corperate greed, ok for this one lets look at a major US corperation, Wal Mart (just using it as an example). Wal-Mart will move into a town and
underbid everyone in prices. This starves out smaller stores and kills free enterprise. Thus resulting in a monopoly in many places in the US. Hmmm,
ever wonder why Wal-Mart doesnt sell anything US made items? Everything is imported. When we only buy imported goods, we are not supporting our
Basicly there are alot of things in my opinion that need changed. Not much that another country can really helps us on. Any help they could give us
is a short term fix. I am beginning to think that we really need a total crash, then rebuild from the ashes. It seems like the only way to truly fix
this broken system. The only problem with that is industry that broke it, is already in place to build it back up as FUBAR as it ever was.
[edit on 19-3-2008 by oubliette]