posted on May, 24 2008 @ 10:41 PM
Originally posted by Dany_Barking
reply to post by gmac1000
2012 will still be 2012, the date was converted to match the stars, which the mayans used to work out the predicted end date.
Dany (and Biggie) got this answer right.
We do all of our time keeping based upon the position of the planets. The Mayan calander was extremely accurate. The Gregorian calendar was not quite
as accurate until they got the leap year stuff down.
So -- in approximately 1671 days from now (by my calculations) we will be at the end of the Mayan calendar. That is, the earth will spin 1671 more
times on its axis. Another way of looking at it: the earth will revolve around the sun 4.578 more times.
It doesn't matter what year it is in terms of the faulty Gregorian Calendar. The Mayan calander was very exact and precise.