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My experience (Not a good one...)

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posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 10:35 PM
it was an oppressing spirit. Some spirits will oppress you to do things you don't want to do, almost an uncontrollable urge or idea to get you to do evil things. One man was giving his 4 year old a bath and had an uncontrollable urge to drown him, the man had a perfect record, perfect job and family no history of anything that dark. The man said in an interview why he did it and he said i just had this overwhelming urge to drown him, this is not the first case something like this has happened. The bible calls evil spirits tempters. The bible talks about satan taking Jesus up on a high place trying to get him to throw himself down, or to turn rocks into bread etc... Wicked spirits turn average human beings into heaving animals like the man that was possessed with legion. I'm not saying you are possessed but i'm saying that an evil spirit is trying to impose his will upon you. He can't make you do those things but he can suggest them.

I have had that feeling before when i was young. The bible says that if you resist the devil he will flee from you. If you believe in any of this then i suggest you rebuke the devil, get the word out and study about your authority in Christ, i suggest you get some books by lester summrall and Kenneth E. Hagin on the topic of Authority and Demonology. Somone who properly understands and applies the knowledge of the authority of the believer can prevent these events from happening, and if they do occur you have an army at your disposal.


posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 11:50 PM
I have to partially agree Keeper of Kheb. I agree it was demonic oppression. However, I've had seen demonic possession and the deliverance of them multiple times and it truly isn't very 'cool' to watch nor to participate in it. I personally have had to excerise demonic possession only couple of occasions, thank God!

That being said, I have a warning. The ONLY authority/power you have against anydemonic influence is being a person who's made the choice in your mind and heart to give your life to God's plan for your life, as the scripture say in Romans of the New Testament:

Romans chapter 10.. starting verse 9
The word that saves is right here,
as near as the tongue in your mouth,
as close as the heart in your chest.
It's the word of faith that welcomes God to go to work and set things right for us. This is the core of our preaching. Say the welcoming word to God—"Jesus is my Master"—embracing, body and soul, God's work of doing in us what he did in raising Jesus from the dead. That's it. You're not "doing" anything; you're simply calling out to God, trusting him to do it for you. That's salvation. With your whole being you embrace God setting things right, and then you say it, right out loud: "God has set everything right between him and me!"

Should you not be able that this time to complete such an act of humility, I would HIGHLY suggest to seek out a pastor of a Foursquare/Calvary Chapel church in your area IMMEDIATELY and ask for prayer.

Originally posted by Keeper of Kheb
it was an oppressing spirit. Some spirits will oppress you to do things you don't want to do, almost an uncontrollable urge or idea to get you to do evil things. One man was giving his 4 year old a bath and had an uncontrollable urge to drown him, the man had a perfect record, perfect job and family no history of anything that dark. The man said in an interview why he did it and he said i just had this overwhelming urge to drown him, this is not the first case something like this has happened. The bible calls evil spirits tempters. The bible talks about satan taking Jesus up on a high place trying to get him to throw himself down, or to turn rocks into bread etc... Wicked spirits turn average human beings into heaving animals like the man that was possessed with legion. I'm not saying you are possessed but i'm saying that an evil spirit is trying to impose his will upon you. He can't make you do those things but he can suggest them.

I have had that feeling before when i was young. The bible says that if you resist the devil he will flee from you. If you believe in any of this then i suggest you rebuke the devil, get the word out and study about your authority in Christ, i suggest you get some books by lester summrall and Kenneth E. Hagin on the topic of Authority and Demonology. Somone who properly understands and applies the knowledge of the authority of the believer can prevent these events from happening, and if they do occur you have an army at your disposal.


posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 03:52 AM
reply to post by Komodo

As i know what it takes to get a demon after you and how you go about it, i doubt it was a demon.
Devils posess people not demons

Now dont think that that Jesus and God will affect all of these beings out there, because it wont.
Ofcourse everything in the realm of christianity is affected by them, but then we have other realms which dont care about it at all.

And also dont forget that once at a time the 'demons' as you wish to call them was a part of christianity, but were cast away by god, i rather call them devils, since they are all angelic in nature.

What i am trying to point out here is that just because you have a strong faith in your god, does not mean he can protect you against everything.
Because there are more than just Heaven and Earth here.....

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 12:43 PM
I do not want to devalitdate your experience in any way. I am offering just a possiblility of what you have explained. Though you had a very terrifying dream that seemed possibly real, I beleive it is just that, a dream. Our subconscious is a very complex machine, our dreams and thoughts are proof of that. Upon wakening you say that you saw a darker figure standing over you. You tried to wake your wife with no avail. This sounds to me like Sleep Paralysis. This often happens when we are just about to fall asleep or just waking up. Some of the symptoms are, the feeling of being held down, hallucinations, no vocal ablilities. It is quite common event. You can research more symptoms to see if this is in fact what you are experiencing.
On the other side, I would set up a video camera and a digital voice recorder to see if there is in fact an entitiy in your room. You may have to do this more than once, it wont always work the first couple of times. Be sure you have a night vision setting. If you do find something, I would contact your local Paranormal Investigation group to validate your claim. Then cleanse your house, whether or not you are religious. If there is some sort of evil, it needs to be banished. I hope this doesnt seem too dramatic to you.
Good Luck, please keep posted on further expereiences.

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by SublimeChaos

Yes i know what you are getting at.... i belong in the looney bin.... *sigh*

No seriously, that was my first thoughts, i am going crazy.
The dream i could have chaffed off just as a dream....
And a traumatic dream like that can cause after effects i know

For those who are in contact with spirits/ghosts/walkers know what i mean when i explain it like this....
When you get a contact with something you know it might be a strong one, or a weak one, many of these things that are 'strong' have this aura that... well they try to intimidate you with it.

That feeling, from something that we think is 'dead' you can not be mistaken on once you have felt it a couple of times...

This felt like this, and so very strong, i have never ever been afraid of these things, if i met that thing again, i would probably wet my self.

And... i have never summoned anything in my life, so it is not because of that either.

Still, anyone out there who knows what this could be?

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 05:02 PM
as I was reading this I got the chills... when I was a child i saw this exact shadow object like you're saying... I have almost never been afraid in my life, this is the one and only time that I felt this evil force overpowering me to a point where I couldn't even scream for help, so scared that I couldn't move!... i can understand!

posted on Mar, 18 2008 @ 06:11 PM
In my thirties I had a dark spirit working on me to punch people in the face. When I would be talking to some one nice, there was this over powering desire to punch the person in the face. It was like a projection into my mind that I would see and feel myself punching the person in the face.

It was frustrating to over come but I eventually drove the feeling out and recovered without ever hitting any one. Since I resisted, I won and became stronger against the evil of the world. I now can see when evil is lurking in others when I look into there faces.

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 05:10 PM
Hello -

I'm not certain if this could be of any help to you. I used to help people, offline with problems such as yours.

It's not a demon. It's a negative entity. They can definitely work their way in, make people around them more irritable, encourage family arguments, and affect your thought process. They manifest mostly on your fear and any extra negativity they can create among the living.

This is what you can do to try and push this out of your home.

Burn Sage and Sweet grass in every room. Start with your upstairs if you have one and work your way all the way to the bottom floor or basement.

After this, take regular table salt and imagine it cleansing your home. Sprinkle this everywhere, especially in your bedroom and around your bed. Some people believe in sweeping out the salt but I do not do this. I leave it. I even rub a few pinches of salt over my arms and chest as a protective measure.

Once you are finished with the inside, go outside and sprinkle loose dried sage around the dwelling, then salt. Before you go into the front door, sprinkle salt outside of it.

Even though I am Oglala, Sioux (Teton), I have called upon the arch angel Michael.

"Arch Angel Michael, come to me. Balance the energies of this house and protect us all"

I would perform this rite of purification at the full or waning of the moon if you can.

Also, I would not attempt contact with this entity. It's a male, it's agressive. There's no need to try and "make peace" or send it off to the light. I have successfully pushed negative entities away by what I mentioned above. If this does not work, then I break out the full ceremony.

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by Balez
reply to post by SublimeChaos

Yes i know what you are getting at.... i belong in the looney bin.... *sigh*

No seriously, that was my first thoughts, i am going crazy.
The dream i could have chaffed off just as a dream....
And a traumatic dream like that can cause after effects i know

For those who are in contact with spirits/ghosts/walkers know what i mean when i explain it like this....
When you get a contact with something you know it might be a strong one, or a weak one, many of these things that are 'strong' have this aura that... well they try to intimidate you with it.

That feeling, from something that we think is 'dead' you can not be mistaken on once you have felt it a couple of times...

This felt like this, and so very strong, i have never ever been afraid of these things, if i met that thing again, i would probably wet my self.

And... i have never summoned anything in my life, so it is not because of that either.

Still, anyone out there who knows what this could be?

I'm going to be a bit candid here by sharing with you one of my experiences with something similar. I had something come over my home within a few days time. We were all a bit irritable. My husband and I were not sleeping as well, and my daughter kept saying she saw a big bat with a long tail in the hall that leads to the kitchen. She's only 4, and very insistant on what she saw and descript.

After a whole week of little noises here and there going on, and my daughter's seeing this, I started to feel sick all over. No energy, very irritable, and finally....extremely depressed. I was alone one night writing, and I heard (within my mind) something tell me "Just kill yourself. Get it over with. No one wants you here...." and this suggestion continued over and over.

I didn't put all of it together because it was such a busy and stressful week, so it kind of crept up on me. I didn't expect it to become so agressive, so as an experienced person who has helped others, I simply just blocked it to muddle through other matters at hand.

So yes, they have the capability of affecting thought processes, and they can do this at a weak moment. A stressful time, or when the physical body is run down from illness.

You are not crazy. And you are not the first person to be attacked. Some people call it "psychic attacks".

If you do however feel, that it continues despite what you do, and you do not feel well....always go with your gut feeling and consult a professional if need be to make sure you are ok.

posted on Mar, 19 2008 @ 05:30 PM
reply to post by Asherah

Well to answer your question it has never happened again.
I did thourogh cleansing of our home, and just to be extremely cautious i used the four elements also after the first cleansing.

I know about these attacks, just never experienced them

You know how strong villed a poltergeist is, right?
They are nothing compared to what i experienced, heck i dont know if a demon could compare even.

posted on Mar, 20 2008 @ 09:27 AM
Well, I am a believer in occult phenomena, and I have had experiences with some entities, each of which were perceived by others around me, etc. However, I just want to say that some of what you are describing comes off to me like mental illness I SWEAR I mean no disrespect at all, but it might be worth looking into. Feelings of being told to do bad things by and unseen force, feeling controlled and persecuted -- these are symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia. Again, I really don'tmean to be offensive, just suggesting an alternate explanation. Here's a link:

Then again, I could be wrong!


posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by Anthrogrl

Already gone through that about the mental illness, but there was nothing found.
I've been examined from top to toe. Nothing.
And it was not sleep paralysis, since i could move, i just didn't dare to do it.

Still unexplained (and then i have been into the paranormal for 15 years) i dont claim to know everything, but i do know alot of this subject.

posted on Mar, 22 2008 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by Balez

Hmmm.... in that case, this a pretty creepy experience to have! Do you think that maybe the negative energies might be based on location? Is there a pattern to the experiences?

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by Anthrogrl

I dont know if there is any patterns, since i started my search for this about 9 months ago i have found only one that is very similar, and that was a person here on ATS.

And i've been going through Swedish folklore just to be certain it was not something from there.

Still nothing, however on another site they thought it actually was a demon
that visited me, i doubt that.

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by Anthrogrl
Well, I am a believer in occult phenomena, and I have had experiences with some entities, each of which were perceived by others around me, etc. However, I just want to say that some of what you are describing comes off to me like mental illness I SWEAR I mean no disrespect at all, but it might be worth looking into. Feelings of being told to do bad things by and unseen force, feeling controlled and persecuted -- these are symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia. Again, I really don'tmean to be offensive, just suggesting an alternate explanation. Here's a link:

Then again, I could be wrong!


BTDT. My parents had me to a psychiatrist as a young girl when I began hearing and seeing spirits. They were terribly frightned by it to a point where I shut it down for years. I was punished for even speaking about anything I saw or heard, so I learned very quickly to simply push it out of my mind.

But I also agree with you, in some instances it could be mental illness and it is important to rule that out when dealing with feelings of wanting to harm another. Most definitely!

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by Balez
reply to post by Asherah

Well to answer your question it has never happened again.
I did thourogh cleansing of our home, and just to be extremely cautious i used the four elements also after the first cleansing.

I know about these attacks, just never experienced them

You know how strong villed a poltergeist is, right?
They are nothing compared to what i experienced, heck i dont know if a demon could compare even.

I'm glad your cleansing worked

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by Asherah

I can't say for certain that the cleansing did anything to keep it away, since i have no way of knowing that it would come back.

What ever it was it was evil in nature, to the point that it didn't care what i did after whatever it was it tried to do.

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 06:21 PM
Hey how you doin
I saw this documentary on on cable (i can't remember the channel)
but it was about ghosts. Anyway they showed this film footage of this black mass in the corner of the room.
The people who filmed it said that they thaught it was evil. Now i don't belive or disbelive in ghosts but this thing gave me the creeps. Ive seen dark shadows in my room and they scare me in a way i cant define.
Some advice try to sleep with a night light on or the tv, I don't know it might help.

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