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$4 gas in Hawaii and California

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posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 12:13 AM
Before you guys go on with this thread, I'd like to toss my 2 cents into the mix. It's a 8 Part you tube video and highlights some interesting information that might change your thinking a little bit. Pay particular attention to the part in the speech about those that signed the declaration of independence and what happened to these affluent gentlemen who chose liberty over colonial rule. Enjoy the video.

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 04:15 AM
Sorry all I just have to chime in on this one..... I see a few of you saying that the increase in gas prices shouldn't be a problem and if it is, we just need to better budget our money......cough*bs*cough......I'm sorry but I live in rural
West Virginia, in other word I live out in the woods.

As a point of fact I am roughly 45-50 min from an interstate, let alone a Walmart...Now on to the meat and potato's... I drive 220 miles round trip every day to work....Yes I said 220 MILES, that's just how it is in WV...If you wanna work you have to drive!!!! The gas here is about $3.55 p/gal....220 miles/at 20 mpg=11 gal/day...Thats $39.05 in gas A DAY....Lets take it a lil farther that's also $195.25 a week I am spending in gas. To top it off that's for open interstate, not the hills that I have to travel through to get to the interstate, which would drop my mpg down to anywhere from 10-15 mpg....

So before any of you feel the need to say anything about budgeting think of the multitude of people like me.

Thank you, come again!

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 04:54 AM
$4 ,ig deal you got it easy in the usa, you should come visit the uk our fuel prices have topped £5 which is over $10 per gallon 70% of which is tax, daylight robbery.

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by Combatmed1

Combatmed, that poster probably just finished reading one of those "think rich grow rich" type of books and now thinks he's a financial genius
lol! I always get a big laugh at people that would rather blame the victim than blame the people responsible and say "you're nothing but whiners because you don't know how to budget blah blah blah."

I remember a comedian once putting it this way.
"We're even starting to blame victims for crimes... I swear, in the news there was someone who got shot at a 7/11, when they caught the killer they asked some people nearby for an interview they said:"

"Well, the guy (referring to the thief) just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time"

"Wait... so what was the guy who got killed? Johnny on the spot?"

I'd like someone with that attitude try to pull off their same train of thinking in a 3rd world hellhole like africa lol! "That's how the secret works kids! If you want it enough, you'll have it!"

Edit to fix some mispellings in the quotations

[edit on 15-3-2008 by Question]

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 08:24 AM
What would it take for the government to step in and convert all of the major oil company's and turn them to non profit enterprises? Would they have to be bought out by the government or could we pass a law to force them to do that? Why stop there, convert all of "essential" businesses like health care, insurance and utilities to non profit company's also.

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 09:21 AM
reply to post by Lecter

I would jump on board on that. Hey, a lot of european countries have that, why can't we try and model ourselves after that? Yeah, we'd have to pay taxes up the wazoo, but if we were guaranteed those services, I wouldn't mind too much.

"But Q! that would turn us into communists/socialists!" really????? well then we might as well start charging people for borrowing books from the library since that is a "communist" ideal right? How about we change it so from now on, all public schools become private? that way only the kids with rich parents can get an education? That's the "capitalist" way after all right? lol!

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 02:15 PM
Well I don't think that would increase our taxes, we simply force them to be a NON PROFIT organization so they would still operate as they do now but they would not be able to incur any profits. This would significantly lower the costs of the services they provide, for example the gas companies are making record profits, if they were forced to sell gas to us at whatever the cost is to produce it I bet we would be paying about 70% less then what the price is right now.

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 02:23 PM
Not sure what the exchange rates are at the moment but where i live in the UK at the moment Diesel is £1.13 per litre 4.52 litres to the gallon iirc?

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 07:37 PM
Gas in Venezuela is .12/gallon, so excuse my ignorance, but what would keep an American Investor from going there and buying gas shipping it back to the US and selling it for $1.12/gallon?

I really believe we are being screwed here bad, no excuse in gas prices so high.

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 08:27 PM
Well xstealth, I like your thinking. It's capitalism at heart.

Unfortunately, I can't remember the law that prevents it, but gas stations have been fined heavily in the past for lowering their prices and over competing with other gas stations.

It doesn't make sense in a Capitalist society that competitors would be disciplined for competing... but that is the way it goes.

There are laws in place to make sure companies cannot drop the prices of their fuel enough to drive other companies out of business.

If I were in their shoes, I'd do it anyway, and pay the fine. That way, there simply won't be ANY competition when you're done, and you can continue to sell your product for that low price.

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 08:55 PM
im not sure if this is right but its not where the oil comes from that determines price ie alaskan oil to wash state but where it is refined i live in st louis and gas is 3.09 for regular there is a refinery 30 miles away

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by Question
Combatmed, that poster probably just finished reading one of those "think rich grow rich" type of books and now thinks he's a financial genius

Nothing of the sort, my friend. Why would you want to strike down a person that actually preaches personal responsiblity?? I'm not rich and won't be any time soon. BUT, I should be able to retire comfortably simply because I live beneath my means.

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by Combatmed1
As a point of fact I am roughly 45-50 min from an interstate, let alone a Walmart...Now on to the meat and potato's... I drive 220 miles round trip every day to work....Yes I said 220 MILES, that's just how it is in WV...If you wanna work you have to drive!!!! The gas here is about $3.55 p/gal....220 miles/at 20 mpg=11 gal/day...Thats $39.05 in gas A DAY....Lets take it a lil farther that's also $195.25 a week I am spending in gas.

That's simply insane. I think I'd be getting creative and figuring out a way to change that.

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