Originally posted by Wolf321
There is clearly a difference in the character of God as portrayed in the Old Testament vs the New Testament. I seem to always get the reason behind
this as Christ coming to be and his sacrifice eliminated the need for the vengeful God of the OT. And still people say that despite the punishment and
fire and brimstone of the OT God, he was still doing it out of love and compassion much like a parent disciplines a child.
I hear and read great many people say this, and I read the OT a lot and don't see much difference between God in the old and God in the new, except
with Yahshua sacrificed for our sins, things have become less fleshy and more spiritual. But we can learn spiritual truths based on the fleshy Israel
and their saga's. God still say's vengence is His. And there is still wrath to contend with, that's what the majority of the book of Revelation
deals with. (Rev 6:16-17) And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the
wrath of the Lamb. For the great day of his wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand?
Excellent question; who can stand in the great day of the wrath of the Lamb. All power has been given unto the the Lamb who was sacrificed at the
foundation of the earth, for our sin, so who can stand if they don't believe in Him and thusly aren't covered by His blood. When the destroyer comes
through, the only houses untouched are those smeared with the blood of the Lamb:
Exodus 12:13
And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be
upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.
(same thing today except spiritual)
God's ways are not our way's and His thoughts not our thoughts, but He has been so good and merciful to reveal a great deal of His plan from the
beginning all the way to the end, it should comfort us to know that God is stable, unchanging, and always fair and just in His judgements. God has
always wanted a people for Himself, His portion is His people who truly love Him. He isn't tarrying for no reason, He could have wrapped it all up
right then at calvary but He wants us to come unto Him, but He is so Holy it's impossible to dwell with people who are so sinful, hence the sacrifice
of the Lamb, once and for all as an atonement for our sins, so we can worship Him in spirit and in truth and walk with Him in the cool of the day as
Adam and Eve did before the fall. Mankind fell and God had the plan of the ages to redeem us from the fall.
Don't ever pitty Satan. If we knew the entire war that has gone on in the Heavens over us and over Satan wanting to be like the Most High God and
Satans utter rebellion and hatred for our God, we would never even 'go there' with feeling sorrow for him. Satan hates you and will do anything to
get you to rebel as he did toward God. There is no love in Him. Yahshua say's "the prince of this world cometh and have nothing in me" And if
Yahshua is love and sacrifice, then that should sum it up for what the devil is.
And there will/is going to be plenty of fire and brimstone. Yahshua say's He came not to bring peace, but to set a fire on the earth and oh how He
wished it were already kindled. Well the fire is kindling and there's a lot of sorrows to go through before it is all done and He returns. God is
awesome in all His way's, sometimes we can't understand the 'why's' but rest assured one day it will all make perfect sense
If God is all forgiving all loving, would he accept Lucifer back into heaven if he wanted?
There was a post sort of like this a few weeks ago? About Lucifer allowed back into heaven. If I were more ats savvy, I might could bring it up for
you, it was interesting. First though, Lucifer the personage has been somehwhat misconstrued, he isn't Satan, the serpent, dragon devil, he was a
king of Babylon. So it isn't our place really to say whether he's allowed into heaven or not. We need to be more concerned whether we are allowed
into heaven. God takes care of His own. But I believe God can do wondrous things, he can and even say's that all things will be brought back to
him...so who knows, but for certain we'll one day see.