posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 10:05 AM
reply to post by Holygamer
Every era has it's gems, but only one sticks out to me.
I do not play it anymore, and on it's own, the game is lame.
BUT, I would have to say World of Warcraft. Now, I hung out at a gaming lounge a lot back then, and everyone
there played. So I had about 40 people total who I personally knew, and played with.
Without those 40 people, I would have never touched the game. The group made the fun, not the game really.
40 of us in one room vs another 40 random people in a PVP match was very entertaining.
Also, to add, Battlefield 2 for PC, comes very close to being my favorite due to that gaming lounge.
edit on 4/22/2012 by Alexander the Great because: to add.