posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 11:50 AM
Originally posted by Sleuth
Geez, we've managed to litter the space around our little blue marble as badly as we've littered the marble itself. It's unfortunate that we can't
clean up the excess boosters and stuff. No wonder NASA worries when we send people up there. Who wants a 12-story tank in the head while they're out
Actually the terminator teather aims to clean up space junk
And dont forget its not just NASA playing up there...
as this (old) list shows some of the countries responsible for junk in space.
Here are some other intresting stats (accurate as of a few years ago)
Only about 6/7% of tracked objects (about 13000 of em) are satellites of some sort, the rest is junk.
Space junk is growing about 5% per year
Rocket bodies only account for about 19% of space junk
The US project west ford purposly released hundreds of millions of copper needles during the 60s - a project that failed but left a vast ammount of
space debris.
and finally 2% of tracked junk has no known origin!