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What Happens When Oil Hits $120??

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posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by Road Warrior 31
i am afraid, it won't stop at $120.00

and going higher, will possibly create a globab economic CRASH. But i
really, hope it won't.

I hope it will crash all the world economies. I hope it crashes the entire industrial era. It is in fact our planned solution to the industrial age rape and destruction of the Earth and enslavement of mankind. It is also the ideal solution to global overpopulation. I am looking forward to it all to come crashing down. It's what I've been praying for too.

When OPEC refuses to accept any more of that worthless USA funny money for oil, funny money which is no longer back by gold or other valuable commodity, but back by your overpriced slave labor, you'll have two choices: 1) accept a one world order rule with all using a new one world order global currency which has the same value all around the world, or 2) go to war and take the oil and other global resources you may need. And I suppose there is a 3rd choice too: go back to living in the stone ages (my guess is few would pick that one though).

This entire mess in the world is caused by the worthless US funny money dollar, piles of it, which is now backed only by their overpriced labor and lands. Think of the stacks of the stuff (be it hard currency or digits in a bank computer) sitting in China and the OPEC nations. What are they to use it for? What does the US have to trade in return for all that oil and iPods they purchase and import? What does the USA make anymore that's affordable and not less expensive elsewhere in the world?

The world is waking up to the fact that the USA has and is ripping them all off. The US dollars they may have held a few years ago aren't even worth half their value today. There is no way China and those OPEC nations will see a return on all those worthless inflated USA funny money pieces. It will all end up as expensive butt wipe paper.

The only thing the USA can offer to them all in exchange for these pieces of butt wipe paper are her slaves and her land. The game is over folks. The rest of the world is through being use and abused and ripped off playing with all that (as fast as you can print it) funny money. If you were a foreign nation that sold oil, would you want to trade your resources for US dollars? What are you going to use them for? You gonna use them to buy $1500 made in the USA iPods by hoity toity $40 an hour union employees? Or would you prefer to trade oil with China? Think about it and you'll see the problem.

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 06:01 PM
Sounds like an issue of "cause & effect". What is it? Does a weaker dollar cause oil to go up or does oil going up cause a weaker dollar? Likely, the answer is "yes"...but seriously, does anyone know what is really driving what here?

One thing I know for sure looking in the rearview mirror...I should have bought gold several years back. And so if this funny money keeps on laughing, gold could go $1,500 or higher....but oil and everything else will go higher too, so if you cash in your gold it won't have near the same spending power...either way we are screwed.

[edit on 15-3-2008 by skyshow]

posted on Mar, 15 2008 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by skyshowDoes a weaker dollar cause oil to go up or does oil going up cause a weaker dollar? Likely, the answer is "yes"...but seriously, does anyone know what is really driving what here?
Trade imbalance. IOUs back by what?

Once upon a time those IOUs meant gold held in reserve some where. Unless that reserve is robbed in time of war, your IOU was safe and secure. The certificate you used to represent the bushel of apples you traded for a bushel of carrots would always be worth a bushel of carrots, or a bushel of apples, today or tomorrow. Originally. Essentially. Or rather, ideally that is how it should have worked.

Foreign currency values were equalized on the price each were willing to pay for an amount of gold. Stable, but limiting. Then along came the IOU game. That's what happened when we went off the gold standard. And that's when all the big time cheating started. That is when everyone became enslaved.

If any of you truly, and I mean really truly, and not that fake kidding around truly (ha), understood the way this stinking game is really played now, you of course would be quite really truly wealthy today. And if not, then you either don't understand and thus not, or like many others, you simply prefer to pursue other desires.

Unfortunately, however, once all the world currencies went off the gold standard, the value of your currencies have now become the value of YOU! When we went off the gold standard, everyone became a slave, spare those of course that own all the money, all those IOUs.

Each of those currencies are really slave certificates now. Each represents the fluctuating value of your hide, your slave value. And your slave value is declining, fast. The people around the world are loosing faith in the value of your kings slaves. You! And good gawd, does anyone really realize how much of them IOUs your king has printed, and tossed around the world?

As your slave value declines, those you trade with will demand more and more promises, more IOUs, from you, as the risk of doing so increases as the value of your IOUs, your dollars, declines too. Thus the prices of anything and everything, regardless if made here or imported, will rise.

Think of it as the financial kill shot in monopoly. Your opponent mortgaged everything for fists of cash. Then he had a party and everyone lived it up and had a good time! At the expense of the rest of the world. Now your opponent has landed on Boardwalk, which he does not own, and he needs more oil, or whatever he imports. However, he has nothing more to mortgage, nothing more to trade, and nobody wants any more of his IOUs.

When it finally comes, the perpetrators will flee to their preestablished secret havens. It won't really matter though if even you knew to where to find them. You won't be able to get there. Not with chaos and starvation breaking out everywhere. We'll all be worrying about who is out to get us. You'll be running from foreigners too, holding dollars representing you slave labor.

Funny thing, none of this really has anything to do with running out of oil, or the price of it. Not even anything to do with any illuminaughty, or secret society, or world domination. Not even the trade imbalance. Nor all of the cheating. Nope. I would think all the kings would prefer the game to go on. Thus, all this pending doom could have something to do with others wanting all this stopped for other less selfish reasons. There are benefits in crashing all economies world wide. Seeing oil at $500 a barrel would make me smile.

posted on Mar, 16 2008 @ 07:31 AM
Destruction of the industrial society you say?

honestly im liking the sound of that. for over 2 centuries we have raped and pillaged off the world, its time the world did the same back.

curse this human flesh

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 03:24 AM
How about this as an angle - what is happening behind the scenes? Perhaps this war on terrorism is the driver for these high prices - yeah yeah we know it is directly in some ways. Who controls the oil? What is this war costing the world? So how do "they" get more funding without us questioning it too much?Hit us where we cannot really say no - cos we NEED petrol/gasoline!!!

Perhaps this war is costing the US the most in visible "money" but the rest of the world is paying indirectly by oil "barons" upping the price to subsidize what the US can no longer afford alone.

Hell, who knows - sounds logical to me.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 06:20 PM
Congress will be passing a bill to allow drilling in ANWR at $125 a barrel.
We should have opened up more places to drilling 10+ years ago.
Maybe California will rethink its ban on offshore drilling.
Expensive shale and tar sands will look viable.
GM can't afford the benefits it owes to retired workers, how are they going to make money off an electric car that does not need parts like starters, alternators, spark plugs, oil filters, etc.
Bicycles...HA, try peddling 30 miles to work in 6-8 inches of snow with a 20 mph headwind.
If we had zoning laws that worked we would have stores in every neighborhood so you could walk to them daily and buy what you need. Instead we live way out in the freaking woods and gotta drive to SAMS Club or COSTCO and stock up for the week/month. Same with bars and liquor stores, zoning has pushed the local pub out. Why do bars have parking lots, its not for bicycles and sneakers (can you say drinking and driving).

Entering sarcasm area:
We waste too much time and gas commuting, so quit your job, sell your car, work from home, work locally, live in the parking lot, go on a diet, grow your own food, Ebay everything, burn wood and trash for heat, save your excrement for fertilizer, get small animals for your micro farm, eat dirt for minerals, drill or dig your own well, sell blood, sell other fluids, make your own beer, go solar, build a windmill, save fat from food and make candles, become Ed Begley.

Screw the environment, we need jobs and energy. Close the EPA!!!!
Screw Downtown build a skyscraper in your backyard. Tell the Planning and Zoning board to take a hike!
Stop buying foreign (except Canadian) Oil. Drill for jobs and energy here!
Make something. Come up with a product that will employ you and local residents, use waste materials if possible.
Hold those you elect accountable, and or bring back public hanging.
Don't buy big corporate companies stocks or products, get what you need from the local growers and support local industries.


Suck it up and pay the man. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ its only money.

Its sad it took only 200 years to become what we were fighting against.


posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 06:49 PM
What Happens When Oil Hits $120

Then it's time to Buy a Bicycle, Start Walking to remove Obesity, Business Opportunity for Cane Sugar (Moonshine), Park you car in the front Lawn as a Monument, Hydrogen -Water Powered cars will be the craze.

If everything else Fails.....BUY A HORSE.

posted on Mar, 17 2008 @ 07:29 PM

Screw the environment, we need jobs and energy. Close the EPA!!!!

There is another way to get the cost of oil and everything else down. Reduce demand. A lot fewer humans would not only bring demand down, but it would also reduce their environmental impact. It's a win-win solution for both sides. The Earth will be spared, we'll have nickel a gallon gas again. Oh, and the survivors get all their neighbors cool stuff after they are gone.
(a win-win-win solution too if any of the non-survivors end up in heaven, ha)

So, what will happen when oil hits $120 Euros, only?

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 02:28 AM
Well, here we are beyond $120.00. A recent article in Businessweek (sorry I don't have the link) is questioning a possible $200 p/b within a year.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 03:17 AM
Since the issue of gas prices has come up, while I was doing some research(aka: wasting time), I decided to share my find with everyone.

Good News About Gas Prices

If gas prices were as high today as they were in the late 1970s, we would now be paying about $6 a gallon for gas. Today's price at the pump is higher than it was as recently as 1985.

hahah. Sorry, had to share.
Is it infuriating? Or am I just finding a sick, ironic humour that simply should not be there?

[edit on 8-5-2008 by LostNemesis]

[edit on 8-5-2008 by LostNemesis]

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